From 0 to 1, learn how to invest in funds

Views 8919Aug 9, 2023

Types of funds

My mother is a small investor who likes to "follow the trend and make money". In 2006, she accidentally applied for a stock fund, which happened to catch up with the super bull market and earned more than 20% a year. From then on, she set foot on the road of raising "base" for a long time. But this money-making situation is not long, my mother's obsession with stock base was finally disappointed by the 2008 stock market crash, seeing that the sisters who turned to invest in debt base made a lot of money, while the fund on hand had already fallen below face value, so she chose to cut the meat out in a fit of anger. Although she heard that the stock base later ushered in a moment of glory, she now enjoys the small sense of achievement of slowly accumulating wealth in the base of goods and debt than when she returned to the time of great joy and sorrow. > > from the bullpen to share > >

In the rhythmic gymnastics competition, each contestant can choose the coefficient of difficulty. Generally speaking, the higher the difficulty coefficient, the higher the starting score, but if you make a mistake, you may lose the chance to compete for a medal; the lower the difficulty coefficient, the less easy to make mistakes, but the lower the starting score. Before entering the competition, the contestants should carefully examine their own strength and formulate a strategy after a correct evaluation.

Whether it is competitive competition or asset investment, "acting according to your ability" is the first rule to protect yourself. Before actual combat, investors should first maintain a clear understanding of their income and risk tolerance. Any investment is always accompanied by a certain degree of risk, and high risks are often hidden behind high returns.All operations that ignore risks and only look at returns are hooliganism.

The same is true of fund investment, you may want to wonder, it is said that compared with stocks, fund investment is much more stable, how to keep nagging about risks? In fact, there are many kinds of fund products, and it is not rare for products with an annualized income of more than 20% on the market, but there are also countless funds that fall below their face value. Therefore, it is not wise to close your eyes and invest in star funds. at best, it is confusing to make money accidentally. at worst, if you lose a lot without mental preparation, isn't it harmful to your physical and mental health?

According to the investment object, the active funds on the market are generally divided into four categories: stock funds, bond funds, monetary funds, and mixed funds. If you want to find a fund that can bring considerable returns within the scope of your risk tolerance, there are really many ways. Niuniu will take you to explore it today.

01 stock fund-the favorite of aggressive investors

As the name implies, the main investment object of stock funds is the stock market, and the proportion of stock investment should be more than 80%. The main function is to concentrate the small funds of mass investors and invest in different stock portfolios, in order to achieve the purpose of diversifying investment and reducing risk.

Whether for leeks or gods, "eggs can not be put in the same basket" is an eternal investment truth. Without the ability to foresee, putting all the capital into a single stock can almost be regarded as a "coin-throwing act". Because the volatility of a single stock is very large and difficult to predict, and scattered investment in different industries, different countries of the stock market, to a certain extent, can avoid the impact of the "black swan".

Therefore, compared with courageously breaking into the stock market, stock-based investment greatly improves the efficiency of capital utilization.Investors can enjoy the comparative advantage of large investment costs, reduce investment costs, improve investment efficiency, obtain the benefits of economies of scale, and greatly disperse the concentrated risk.

But investing in stock funds is essentially investing in the stock market. With the bull-bear iteration of the stock market, the risk of stock funds should not be underestimated.

As the stock market is unpredictable, if the timing of intervention is inappropriate, chasing up and buying too many stocks in the bull market, then the subsequent stock market adjustment will expose the risk. As the fund investment costs more than stocks, it is not suitable for short-term trading, frequent buying and selling may outweigh the gain.

In contrast, stock fund is obviously a more radical way of investment, which is suitable for investors with high risk tolerance and high return.

02 Monetary funds-- safe haven-like existence

Money fund refers to the fund that mainly invests money in money market instruments and mainly invests in short-term monetary instruments, such as treasury bills, commercial paper, bank certificates of deposit, government short-term bonds, corporate bonds and other short-term securities.

The investment variety of goods-based determines that it has the lowest risk among all kinds of funds, and there is almost no risk of losing money. In addition to safety, the base also has liquidity comparable to demand deposits, flexible redemption, but can obtain a higher return than demand deposits. At the same time, its purchase limit and investment cost are low, generally do not charge purchase and redemption fees, the management rate is also very low. therefore,For most investors who want to avoid the risks in the securities market, money funds are a safe haven.

However, a small risk does not mean that there is no risk. Money funds still face the impact of changes in market interest rates, but compared with the fluctuations of the stock base, the money-based brothers are still relatively stable.

If you are tired of being harvested, or have a need for money at any time, or have a fragile heart that cannot withstand risks, money funds are perfect for investing.

03 Bond Fund-- "Stabilizer" in Asset allocation

Stock base ups and downs all the way, and there is no surprise, stable as "daiji", bond funds this set of two long investment products will gradually occupy the stage C.

Some people may wonder, isn't it fragrant to buy bonds directly? why do you still let fund managers take care of them? In fact, compared with direct investment bonds, the bond base effectively spreads the risk of investing in a single bond by pooling investors' funds and investing in different bonds; at the same time, the bond base has more liquidity and can be transferred or redeemed at any time.

The debt base is mainly based on bonds such as treasury bonds, corporate bonds, convertible bonds and so on. Because of its low correlation with the stock market, the general stock market volatility has little impact on it, so the risk level of the debt base is much lower than that of the stock base, and it is even regarded as a "stabilizer" in asset allocation by Benjamin Graham, the godfather of Wall Street. However, compared with the first two funds, bond funds are more suitable for long-term holdings (except short-term bonds) to obtain relatively satisfactory returns.

So will the investment debt base be guaranteed to break even? Niuniu showed a bitter and embarrassed smile and touched his conscience to tell you that of course there is no such good thing.

First of all, the debt base usually requires more than 80% of the assets to be invested in bonds, and the remaining 20% can be flexibly allocated according to market conditions, that is, the debt base can invest a small amount in other assets such as stocks.Generally speaking, the higher the proportion of stocks in the debt base, the greater the possible return and the higher the corresponding risk.Stock allocation is really a grinding leprechaun, inserting a price rocket into the debt base when the market is strong, and throwing a stone into a well when the market falls, so that the majority of investors both love and hate.

Second,Although the debt base disperses the concentrated risk of individual bonds, investors still need to have a clear understanding of the rules of the bond market in advance.Niuniu used to be"play with the bond market | Test: are you a risk aversion?"And"playing with the bond market | still can't beat the risk bully? Come on in and learn two tricks. "China once said that in the bond market, credit risk and interest rate risk are the two most common road robbers on the way to making money. On the one hand, if the bonds default or the market's expectation of default increases, the net value of the debt base will fluctuate to a certain extent; on the other hand, changes in interest rates will lead to changes in the net value of the fund, and if the market interest rate rises, then the bonds in the allocation will "depreciate" and the income of the bond fund will be reduced accordingly.

There is a large gap in the returns of different bond funds, so before entering the fund, we must pay attention to the strength of the fund companies and asset allocation. Generally speaking, fund management companies with strong investment management ability, perfect risk control system and high investment service level are more likely to achieve long-term and stable performance, while the proportion of assets with fluctuating returns such as stocks and speculative bonds in allocation, it also directly affects the risk and return level of the fund.

However, there is no need to "talk about loss and color change". Relatively speaking, the risk of debt base is still on the low side. In particular, fund managers will avoid companies at risk of default through professional analysis, and diversify the risk through diversified investments. Although affected by various factors, the yield of the bond fund may not be satisfactory in the short term, but in the long run, the return of the bond fund is still considerable, especially suitable for investors who pursue soundness and small ambition.

04 mixed fund-- diversified allocation that can be attacked and retreated

Unlike the strict investment ratio requirements of the first three funds, hybrid funds achieve free allocation among stocks, bonds and money market instruments. "small funds carry the dream of diversification".

Hybrid funds adopt both radical and conservative investment strategies, and their returns and risks are lower than those of stocks and higher than those of debt and goods. According to the difference of asset allocation ratio and investment strategy, it can be further divided into many types, such as partial stock type, partial debt type, stock-debt balance type, flexible allocation type and so on.

Attack and retreat can be defended, the biggest characteristic of the hybrid fund is flexibility, under ideal circumstances, it can optimize the income level of the portfolio while avoiding the risk of market volatility. At this time, the fund manager's judgment of the market has become an important factor affecting the returns of mixed funds.


Stock-based, cargo-based, debt-based and mixed funds are the four most common types of funds in the market. The same is to make money, some configurations let you earn thrilling, some investments let you slowly feel the beauty of compound interest. Before investing, everyone must maintain a clear understanding of their income and risk tolerance and act according to their ability.

Any investment will always be accompanied by a certain degree of risk, risk and return is a symbiotic relationship. There is a saying that Niuniu advises investors to copy it a hundred times and not to remember it only after great joys and sorrows:

All operations that ignore risks and only look at returns are hooligans!

All operations that ignore risks and only look at returns are hooligans!

All operations that ignore risks and only look at returns are hooligans.

Disclaimer: The above content does not constitute any act of financial product marketing, investment offer, or financial advice. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products based on their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisors where necessary.
