Wrigley Home: Announcement on changing the sponsor representative for continuous supervision
Wrigley Home: Announcement on the resignation of the company\'s financial director
Arrow Home Group: Announcement on the progress of the company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries applying for comprehensive credit from banks and providing guarantees
Arrow Home Group: Financial Report for the first half of 2024.
Arrow Home Group: Summary table of non-operating funds utilization and other related funds flow for the first half of the year.
Arrow Home Group: Announcement regarding the completion of industrial and commercial change registration and issuance of business license.
Arrow Home Group: Announcement of Resolutions of the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
Arrow Home Group: Legal Opinion of Beijing Zhonglun (Shenzhen) Law Firm on the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Wrigley Home Furnishing Group Co., Ltd.
Wrigley Home: Internal Control Self-Assessment Report
Wrigley Home: Announcement on the progress of the company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries applying for comprehensive credit and providing guarantees from banks
Wrigley Home: Rules of Work for the Board Audit Committee (April 2024)
Wrigley Home: Rules of Work for the Board's Remuneration and Assessment Committee (April 2024)
Wrigley Home: Board Strategy and ESG Committee Work Rules (April 2024)
Wrigley Home: Announcement on changing the registered capital and amending the “Articles of Association”
Wrigley Home: 2023 Annual Financial Report
Wrigley Home: Announcement on the adjustment of the membership of the Audit Committee
Wrigley Home: Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
Wrigley Home: Announcement on Feasibility Analysis of Launching Foreign Exchange Derivatives Hedging Trading Business and Application for Transaction Quota
Wrigley Home: Rules of Work for the Board Nomination Committee (April 2024)
Wrigley Home: Board of Directors Rules of Procedure (April 2024)