Annelle (002875): Leading middle and high-end children's clothing brands are under pressure due to the impact of the pandemic
Anel (002875): 20 years of sharp decline in profits and 21 years of performance is expected to recover
Annell (002875) 2020 Interim Report Review: The Pandemic Pressures Short-Term Performance, Equity Incentives Increase Employee Motivation
Anel (002875): Channel continuous adjustment 19 years of performance under pressure lower than expected
Anel (002875) three Quarterly report in 2019 comments: income keeps growing and inventory clearance drags down performance pressure
Anel (002875): direct-driven revenue growth leads to loss of profits due to inventory
Anel (002875): 19Q2 revenue maintains rapid growth, net profit has declined
Anel (002875): inventory clearance affects profit margins focus on the new autumn and winter series: high-end and luxury goods
Anel (002875) announcement comments: announcement 2019H1 performance KuaiBao achieved rapid revenue growth
Anel (002875): the quarterly growth rate is faster than expected and is optimistic about the start of a new round of growth of the company.
Anel (002875): 2019Q1 achieved rapid growth in revenue and net profit
安奈儿(002875)2019年一季报点评:小童&线上保持高增 库存清理改善公司运营状况
安奈儿(002875):收入维持较快增长 非经常性收益增加提升利润弹性
安奈儿(002875):中高端童装领先品牌 受益于行业消费升级
安奈儿(002875)2018年年报点评:业绩稳步增长 童装龙头持续优化升级
安奈儿(002875):中高端童装领军企业 发力渠道扩张 新一轮成长启动!
安奈儿(002875):线下渠道稳健调整有成效 线上继续高增长 看好公司成长
安奈儿(002875):渠道优化内生稳健增长 控费加强提升净利润弹性
安奈儿(002875)2018年年报点评:小童&线上助力增长 外延&内生护航未来
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