HK Stock MarketDetailed Quotes


  • 0.078
  • 0.0000.00%
Noon Break Mar 26 09:00 CST
156.00MMarket Cap19.50P/E (TTM)


We are a well-known general cleaning service provider in the environmental services industry headquartered in Singapore, and do business in Singapore and Thailand. According to the Frost & Sullivan report, the environmental services industry in Singapore includes general cleaning services, landscaping services, waste management and others. As evidenced by the Frost & Sullivan report, in 2019, our revenue and market share ranked second among cleaning service providers in Singapore. As a well-known cleaning service provider: We mainly provide general cleaning services for various public and private places (including stadiums, medical centers, shopping malls, commercial and industrial buildings, schools, hotels, private apartments and public access areas of the Singapore Town Council). Our operations are not limited to Singapore. In Thailand, we also provide general cleaning services for private clients in private homes, offices, hotels and industrial buildings. We have over 25 years of experience in the environmental service industry, and we have the ability to bid for unlimited service contracts based on Ronglong's current L6 FM02 job category — “Housekeeping, Cleaning, Dredging and Maintenance” services. We employ over 2,500 employees and have 304 ongoing service contracts (excluding one-time contracts). Given the labor-intensive nature of the industry, this is proof of our ability to handle multiple contracts simultaneously in different regions and locations in Singapore. For the three financial years ended 31 December 2019, our five major clients included various private companies, Singapore government agencies, and municipal councils (including various governing bodies appointed by them). We are committed to a customer-centric business model and focus on establishing long-term business relationships with customers by providing quality and consistent services. This business model contributes to our track record and market position as a well-known cleaning service provider. This can be evidenced by the fact that we have had an average of six years of business relationships with our five major customers during the performance recording period. Our operating subsidiaries in Singapore, Ronglong and Titan were incorporated in 1991 and 2006 respectively. Thus, we are very proud of our long track record and as one of the famous cleaning service providers in Singapore. To achieve and maintain the quality of our services, we have implemented our ISO 9001:2015 certified quality management system for the provision of cleaning and housekeeping services. Our operating subsidiary in Singapore received the National Environment Agency's Silver Clean Rating Award. The Clean Rating Silver Award honors cleaning companies that provide high standards of cleaning services by training workers and using equipment to improve work processes and fair employment practices. Our track record is further confirmed by Ronglong's “Housekeeping, Cleaning, Dredging and Maintenance” service L6 FM02 jobs, which allow us to bid for unlimited public sector contracts in Singapore. Ronglong is one of the 27 registered contractors holding L6 FM02 jobs among the 401 other contractors registered as FM02.

Company Profile

Listing DateJul 3, 2020
Issue Price0.25
Shares Offered500.00M share(s)
FoundedFeb 28, 2019
Registered AddressCayman Islands
Chairmanronggui zhuo
Secretaryzhongwei liu
Audit InstitutionGuowei Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd.
Company CategoryOther
Registered OfficeCricket Square Hutchins Drive P.O.Box 2681 Grand Cayman KY1-1111 Cayman Islands
Head Office and Principal Place of BusinessRoom 1102, 11th floor, Wan Hoi Plaza, 84 Tokwawan Road, Tokwawan, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Fiscal Year Ends12-31
MarketHong Kong motherboard
Business Hygieia Group Limited is a Singaporean investment holding company. The company and its subsidiaries are mainly engaged in the provision of cleaning services. The company is a comprehensive cleaning service provider in the environmental services industry. The company mainly provides general cleaning services for various public and private places, including medical centers, shopping malls, commercial and industrial buildings, schools, hotels, private apartments, and public access areas of the Singapore City Council. In Thailand, the company and its subsidiaries provide general cleaning services to private customers in private homes, offices, and industrial buildings. The company's subsidiaries include Eng Leng Limited, Titan Facilities Management Limited, EL Holding Co., Ltd., Eng Leng (Thailand) Co., Ltd, and Eng Leng Waste Management Pte. Ltd.

Company Executives

  • Name
  • Position
  • Salary
  • ronggui zhuo
  • Presidencies, CEO, Executive Director, Authorized Representative
  • 801.00K
  • Peh Poon Chew
  • Executive Director, Chief Operating Officer
  • 448.00K
  • liqiu zhuo
  • Executive Director, Head of Administration and Human Resources
  • 329.00K
  • xu wang
  • Independent Non-Executive Director, Chairman of the Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee Members, Nomination Committee Members
  • 46.00K
  • zhenrong liu
  • Independent Non-Executive Director, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, Audit Committee Members, Remuneration Committee Members
  • 14.00K
  • zhiheng liang
  • Independent Non-Executive Director, Remuneration Committee Chairman, Nomination Committee Members, Audit Committee Members
  • --
  • meiqi gao
  • Director of Business Development
  • --
  • jiayang lin
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • --
  • yujin zheng
  • Deputy Chief Executive
  • --
  • zhongwei liu
  • Authorized Representative, Company Secretary
  • --

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