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HOPE LIFE INT [01683] is currently reported at 0.159 Hong Kong dollars, an increase of 17.78%.
As of 09:39, HOPE LIFE INT [01683] is priced at 0.159 Hong Kong dollars, up 0.024 Hong Kong dollars or 17.78% from yesterday's closing price of 0.135 Hong Kong dollars, with a trading volume of 0.1302 million Hong Kong dollars. Today's highest price is 0.159 Hong Kong dollars, the lowest price is 0.141 Hong Kong dollars. Based on yesterday's closing price, the 10-day average price is 0.16 Hong Kong dollars, the 50-day average price is 0.18 Hong Kong dollars, and the current PE is -27.00 times. The 14-day strength index reports 38.24.
Hong Kong stock market anomaly | Hope Life Int (01683) rose by more than 30% now, with a cumulative increase of more than four times within the month. Pan Xiaomeng has been appointed as Vice President for Greater China region.
Hope Life Int (01683) has recently been speculated by funds, with a cumulative increase of more than 4 times this month. The stock rose nearly 40% again in intraday trading today. As of the time of publication, it rose by 29.94%, to HKD 0.23, with a turnover of 15.8481 million Hong Kong dollars.
Hope Life Int (01683.HK) received an off-market shareholding of 0.15 billion ordinary shares by Lui Chiu Wai, worth approximately 12.45 million Hong Kong dollars.
Reported on November 1st, according to the documents disclosed by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on November 1st, Lui Siu Wai increased his shareholding in Hope Life International (01683.HK) off-market on December 21, 2023, at an average price of HK$0.083 per share, acquiring 0.15 billion shares of common stock, worth approximately HK$12.45 million. After the increase, Lui Siu Wai's latest number of shares held is 0.157 billion shares, and his holding proportion has increased from 0.45% to 10.09%. Image Source: Stock Exchange Share Disclosure. What is equity disclosure? According to the requirements of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, major shareholders (individuals and companies holding 5% or more shares) must disclose their shareholding in listed companies.
Hope Life Int (01683): Pan Xiaomeng appointed as Vice President of Greater China Region.
Hope Life Int (01683) announced that Pan Xiaomeng has been appointed as Vice President of Greater China, responsible for the company's huangjiu business...
HOPE LIFE INT: Interim Report 2024
Hope life int (01683) announced its interim results, with a profit attributable to owners of 3.019 million Hong Kong dollars, turning losses into profits year-on-year.
Hope Life Int (01683) announced its 2024 interim performance, with revenue of approximately 0.125 billion Hong Kong dollars, an increase of 6.1% year-on-year...