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SHING CHI HLDGS [01741] is currently reported at 0.049 Hong Kong dollars, an increase of 36.11%.
As of 14:08, SHING CHI HLDGS [01741] reported 0.049 HKD, an increase of 0.013 HKD or 36.11% compared to the last closing price of 0.036 HKD, with a trading volume of 0.0067 million HKD. Today's highest price is 0.049 HKD, and the lowest price is 0.039 HKD. Based on yesterday's closing price, the 10-day average price is 0.04 HKD, the 50-day average price is 0.04 HKD, the current PE is -2.86 times, and the 14-day RSI is 29.27.
SHING CHI HLDGS [01741] is currently reported at 0.043 HKD, with an increase of 19.44%.
As of 14:07, SHING CHI HLDGS [01741] is quoted at HKD 0.043, an increase of HKD 0.007 or 19.44% compared to yesterday's closing price of HKD 0.036, with a transaction volume of HKD 0.0057 million. Today's highest price is HKD 0.043, and the lowest price is HKD 0.039. Based on yesterday's closing price, the 10-day average is HKD 0.04, the 50-day average is HKD 0.04, and the current PE is -2.86 times, with a 14-day strength index of 29.27.
The annual loss of SHING CHI HLDGS (01741.HK) has expanded to 10.07 million yuan.
SHING CHI HLDGS (01741.HK) announced its financial results for the fiscal year ending in September, with revenue of 0.144 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 18.9%. The loss expanded from 1.77 million yuan last year to 10.07 million yuan, with a loss per share of 1.26 cents. No final dividend will be distributed.
SHING CHI HLDGS (01741.HK) will release its Earnings Reports on December 30.
$SHING CHI HLDGS (01741.HK) will release its Earnings Reports on December 30, and investors are advised to pay attention. Futubull Reminder: 1. There are no strict regulations on the fiscal year division for Hong Kong and US listed companies; it is entirely decided by the enterprises themselves, so each earnings report period can serve as the company's annual report deadline, without following the natural year as the fiscal year. 2. Generally, the company will hold an earnings report meeting on the release date or around that date, where the management will discuss and explain the latest quarterly earnings report data and operational status, and communicate with investors, Analysts, media, and others.