CHINA POWER: Issuance of RMB1 Billion Corporate Bonds in the PRC
CHINA POWER: Issuance of RMB2 Billion Corporate Bonds in the PRC
CHINA POWER: Grant of Share Options
CHINA POWER: Grant of Share Options
CHINA POWER: Discloseable and Connected Transactions in relation to the Acquisitions of the Equity Interests in the Target Companies involving issue of Consideration Shares under Special Mandate
CHINA POWER: Proposed Adoption of New Share Incentive Scheme and Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting
CHINA POWER: Closure of Register of Members
CHINA POWER: Closure of Register of Members
CHINA POWER: Proposed Adoption of New Share Incentive Scheme
CHINA POWER: Completion of Top-Up Placing of Existing Shares and Subscription of New Shares Under General Mandate
CHINA POWER: Top-Up Placing of Existing Shares and Subscription of New Shares Under General Mandate
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