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Patent focus = Takasago Thermal: Silica removal equipment ETC.
Takasago Thermal Engineering <1969.T> is engaged in engineering and construction management regarding air conditioning equipment. Voice recognition systems used for reducing the time required for conducting maintenance inspections, voice recognition devices (2025028327), methods for regenerating silica removal devices and adsorbents that can be operated at low running costs (2025022363), and construction methods for facilities that allow Wireless Telecommunication Services by mobile communication operators to be utilized even in buildings under construction, as well as riser units.
F&LC, Denka, etc. (additional) Rating
Upgraded - Bullish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous Change After----------------------------------------------------------------<6523> PHCHD Morgan S "Under W" "Equal W" <6869> Sysmex City "2" "1" <9020> JR East Nomura "Neutral" "Buy" Target Price Change Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous Change After----------------
Rating information (Target Price change - Part 1) = F&LC, TORAY INDS INC, etc.
Nomura Securities (three stages: Buy > neutral > Reduce) F&LC <3563.T> -- "Buy" → "Buy", 4,700 yen → 5,300 yen Denka <4061.T> -- "Buy" → "Buy", 3,040 yen → 3,200 yen Eniカラー <5032.T> -- "Buy" → "Buy", 3,800 yen → 4,000 yen Nichi Ceramics <6929.T> -- "Buy" → "Buy", 3,600 yen → 4,200 yen Musashi Seimitsu <7220.T> -- "Buy" → "Buy".
Takasago Thermal Engineering's Nine-Month Profit Rises 18%
Takasago Thermal Engineering: Correction of the interim report.
List of cloud break stocks (Part 2) [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo - List of cloud break stocks]
○ List of stocks that broke through the clouds Market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Main Board <1860> Toda Corporation 951 953 958 <1888> Wakachiku Construction 3685 3720 <1968> Taihei Electric 4980 5075 5085 <1969> Takasago Thermal 5406 6254.25 5572.5 <2108> Sugar Beet 2391 2398.5 2445 <2335> Ki