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Technology succession organization---a continuous acquisition company specialized in the manufacturing industry, growing through both organic growth of the acquired companies and new M&A.
The Technology Succession Organization <319A> was established in 2018 with the Task Center of connecting the technologies of small and medium-sized manufacturing companies to the next generation. It aims to build a strong Conglomerates by having multiple small and medium-sized manufacturers with technology come together in a unique position as a continuous acquisition (transfer) company engaged in the acquisition and management support of businesses related to manufacturing. Unlike acquisition funds (Private Equity funds), the transfer of acquired companies is not fundamentally anticipated.
Yoshimura Food Holdings KK: Interim report.
Japan's Food Inflation Is Becoming Harder for BOJ to Overlook
List of convertible stocks (Part 1) [List of Parabolic Signal convertible stocks]
○ List of stocks for buy conversion Market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <1605> INPEX 1894 1837 <1662> Petroleum Resources 11111085 <1721> Comsis HD 33183126 <1893> Goyo Construction 682623 <1963> JGC HD 14021286 <1979> Taikisha 47904495 <2146> UT Group 22382116 <217
Volume change rate ranking (9 AM) ~ AREHD, Japan Denki ETC ranked.
In the Volume change rate ranking, by comparing the average Volume over the past five days with the Volume on the day of distribution, it is possible to know the trends of market participants' interest. ■ Volume change rate top [As of January 30, 9:32] (Comparison of the average Volume over the past five days) Stock code Stock name Volume 5-day average Volume Volume change rate Stock price change rate <3458> Seer Inc 1153500 107185.08 299.54% 0.0557% <5574>
January 27th [Today's Investment Strategy]
[Fisco Selected Stocks] 【Material Stocks】 Gendai Agency <2411> 366 yen (1/24) engaged in planning and production of advertising and publicity. The financial estimates for the fiscal year ending March 2025 have been revised upwards. Operating profit is estimated at 0.4 billion yen (a 60.6% increase compared to the previous period). This is approximately a 33% increase from the previous estimate. Although print media is declining, mainly internet advertising is performing well, and revenue is expected to remain consistent with previous estimates. Profit is benefiting from the strong sales of high-margin services and internet advertising.