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List of cloud break stocks (Part 2) [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo - List of cloud break stocks]
○ List of stocks breaking under the cloud Market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B TSE Main Board <2170> LINK & M 581 581.75 599 <2325> NJS3700378037 37.5 <3660> iSTYLE 448 455.5 493.5 <3762> Techmat 2351 2450.75 2384 <4392> FIG 298 298.5 332.5 <6871>
Techmato Research Memo (9): Acquisition of the major Cybersecurity company Firmus as a subsidiary.
■ Tekmaturix <3762> outlook for the future 2. Regarding the acquisition of Firmus, the company had set it as one of the initiatives in its medium-term management plan under the policy of "diverse alliances and M&A". In November 2024, it acquired Firmus, the largest cybersecurity specialist in Malaysia. The company provides its own developed security services, including penetration testing (intrusion investigation service).
Techmato Research Memo (8): The policy is to allocate abundant cash on hand to growth investments, including M&A, and shareholder returns.
Looking at the financial situation as of the mid-term closing in March 2025, the total Assets increased by 8,500 million yen compared to the end of the previous period, reaching 94,256 million yen.
Techmat Research Memo (5): For the interim period ending March 2025, the performance is driven by the information infrastructure business, resulting in significantly increased sales and profits exceeding plans.
■ The performance trends of Tekmatrix <3762> 1. Overview of performance for the interim period ending March 2025 The consolidated performance for the interim period ending March 2025 showed a 25.4% increase year-on-year in revenue to 30,841 million yen, a 32.5% increase in operating profit to 3,023 million yen, a 21.7% increase in pre-tax profit to 2,768 million yen, and a 21.0% increase in interim profit attributable to owners of the parent company to 1,708 million yen, all of which exceeded the company's plan for increased revenue and profit. In addition, the order volume saw a 49.3% increase.
Techmat Research Memo (3): An IT company that offers specialized solution services (2)
■ Techmatrix <3762> Company Overview (2) Application and Service Business In the application and service business, system development, application packages, testing solutions, and cloud play are developed for specific markets and industries. The target areas are CRM, business solutions, SE, and Mainland Education, totaling four areas. For the fiscal year ending March 2024, the revenue composition ratio includes the CRM sector and business solutions sector.
Techmat Research Memo (2): An IT company that develops business-focused solution services (1)
The company was established in 1984 as a strategic subsidiary of the sales division of Nichimen Corporation (now Sojitz Corporation <2768>), founded as Nichimen Data Systems Co., Ltd.