Take And Give Needs: Corrected Report (Mass Ownership Report/Change Report)
Take And Give Needs: change report
Take And Give Needs: Notice of video distribution explaining changes in dividend policies and revisions to year-end dividend forecasts (dividend increases)
Take And Give Needs: Supplementary Explanatory Materials
Take And Give Needs: Notice of Change in Dividend Policy and Revision of the Year-end Dividend Forecast
Take And Give Needs: Supplementary explanatory materials on changes in dividend policies and revisions to year-end dividend forecasts
Take And Give Needs: Notice regarding changes in dividend policy and revisions to year-end dividend forecasts (dividends increase)
Take And Give Needs: “D&I Award 2024,” which recognizes companies working on D&I, is certified as “Advance” -First bridal operator to develop ceremonial halls nationwide-
Take And Give Needs: Notice regarding video distribution of financial results explanation for the 2nd quarter (interim period) of the fiscal year ending 2025/3
Take And Give Needs: The “PRIDE Index 2024,” which evaluates LGBTQ-related efforts, is certified as “gold,” where take and give needs rank highest
Take And Give Needs: Confirmatory letter.
Take And Give Needs: Half Year Report - Term 27 (2024/04/01 - 2025/03/31)
Take And Give Needs: Consolidated Financial Results for the Second Quarter (Interim Period) for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2025 [Japanese GAAP] (Consolidated)
Take And Give Needs: Summary of Financial Results for the second quarter 2025
Take And Give Needs: Announcement of differences between forecasts and results for the first half FY2024
Take And Give Needs: Financial results briefing materials for the 2nd quarter (interim period) of the fiscal year ending 2025/3
Take And Give Needs: Notice regarding differences between consolidated earnings forecasts and actual values for the second quarter (interim period) of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025
Take And Give Needs: Take and Give Needs received the Tokyo Governor's Award at the “Excellent Company Award for Employment of People with Disabilities”
Take And Give Needs: Notice regarding dividends from surplus funds
Take And Give Needs: TRUNK (HOTEL) YOGI PARK won 3 awards including AHEAD Asia's “Hotel of the Year 2024”