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Announcement of individual stocks regarding the appointments of Company Executives.
Announcement of individual stocks regarding the Executive Officer personnel changes on March 11, 2025. Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Osaka City) announces the following changes related to the Executive Officer personnel. Record Executive Officer Personnel Changes Effective April 1, 2025 Name New Position Current Position Ito Takeshi* Representative Director, President and CEO Representative Director, President and CEO Nakajima Rie* Director, Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer Director, Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer Kurihara Ippei* Director, Executive Officer Japan.
The shareholding ratio of Santen Pharmaceutical in Shirechester has risen to 7.10%.
It has been revealed that the shareholding ratio of Silchester International Investors (Silchester) in Santen Pharmaceutical <4536.T> has increased. According to the large shareholding change report submitted by Silchester after the market closed on the 5th, the shareholding ratio has risen from 6.08% in the previous report to 7.10%. The purpose of the shareholding is stated to be possibly demanding the issuer to increase dividends, change the frequency or total amount of share buybacks, reduce treasury shares, or other capital policy changes.
INPEX, Haseko etc. (additional) Rating
Upgrades - Bullish Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous Change After ----------------------------------------------------------- <1979> Taikisha SMBC Nikko "2" "1" <4887> Sawai GHD Nomura "Neutral" "Buy" <5706> Mitsui Gold Daiwa "3" "2" <9508> Kyushu Electric Nomura "Neutral" "Buy" Downgrades - Bearish Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous Change After --------
MonotaRO, Daio Paper, ETC (additional) Rating
Upgrades - Bullish Code Stock Name Broker Previous After ------------------------------------------------------------- <1911> Sumitomo Forestry SMBC Nikko "2" "1" <4062> Ibiden Morgan Stanley "Equal Weight" "Over Weight" <5333> Gaishi Mizuho "Hold" "Buy" Downgrades - Bearish Code Stock Name Broker Previous After ---------------------------
List of convertible stocks (Part 1) [List of Parabolic Signal convertible stocks]
○ List of stocks for Buy conversion in the market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <1813> Futaba Tetra 2267 2175 <2307> Crosscat 12081043 <2804> Bluesource 17671703 <2871> Nichirei 34833346 <3349> Cosmos Pharmaceutical 70496740 <3391> Tsuruha HD 93979116 <3932> Akatsuki 30902734 <4507> Shiono
List of stocks breaking through the cloud (weekly chart) (Part 3)
○ List of stocks that have fallen below the cloud market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Main Board <1332> Nissui 829 848.5 842 <1379> Hokuto 1823 1833.75 1824 <1663> K&O Energy 3120 3362.5 3163 <1878> Daito Trust Construction 15630 17163.75 16610 <1968> Taihei Electric 4685 4993.7