Yasheng Group (600108): The boom in the planting industry chain is picking up, and the company's profits are gradually being released
Yasheng Group (600108): profit decline slows income, operating cash growth
Yasheng Group (600108) comments: emerging industries are the focus of the company's future development.
Comments on the Quarterly report of Yasheng Group (600108): it will take time for market competition to greatly increase profits.
Yasheng Group (600108) report comments: the profitability of upward channel construction speed up
Yasheng Group (600108) in-depth study: alfalfa included in the counter-catalogue Grass Industry leader benefits
Yasheng Group (600108) report comments: the performance is in line with the expected R & D pipeline gradually enriched
Yasheng Group (600108) report comments: land resources continue to integrate and profitability continues to improve
Yasheng Group (600108) Annual report comments: outstanding potential for performance decline
Yasheng Group (600108) covers for the first time: land resources in the vanguard of land reclamation reform need to be reassessed
亚盛集团(600108)季报点评:全产业链贯通 利润增长基础坚实
亚盛集团(600108)中报点评:未来业绩弹性大 农业小年即将过去
亚盛集团(600108)点评:上拓资源 下拓市场 产业链化布局提升盈利!
亚盛集团(600108)中报点评:业绩环比改善 预计农垦改革加速
亚盛集团(600108):农产品价格拖累业绩 有望受益农垦改革
亚盛集团(600108)年报点评:统一经营继续 项目进度推后
亚盛集团(600108):土地统一经营推进较慢 业绩低于预期