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Express News | Robot Concept stocks remain active, Zhejiang Changsheng Sliding Bearings hit the limit and set a new historical high.
A-shares market fluctuation | Annual performance expected to be a loss, Thinker Agricultural Machinery hits the limit down, reaching a new low in four months.
On January 24th, Gelonhui reported that Thinker Agricultural Machinery (603789.SH) hit the limit down, currently with orders exceeding 0.1 million hands, priced at 6.47 yuan, reaching a new low in four months, with a total market value of less than 2 billion yuan. In terms of news, the company expects a net loss of 0.11 billion yuan to 0.17 billion yuan in 2024, which may lead to a (Delisted) risk warning. During the reporting period, the decline in domestic agricultural machinery product sales was affected by external factors such as low grain prices, industry homogeneity, and market competition, along with the impact of the depreciation and amortization of the company's internal factories, land, and equipment, leading to a low gross margin level for products and weak profitability, resulting in challenges for the company's Operation.
Starlight Agricultural Machinery: Starlight Agricultural Machinery 2024 Annual Results Pre-loss Announcement
Starlight Agricultural Machinery 2024 Annual Results Pre-loss Announcement
Thinker Agricultural Machinery (603789.SH) expects a net loss of 0.11 billion yuan to 0.17 billion yuan in 2024 and may be subject to (Delisted) risk warnings.
Thinker Agricultural Machinery (603789.SH) announced that it expects to achieve an annual net profit attributable to the parent company's owners in 2024...
Express News | Thinker Agricultural Machinery: The company's Stocks may be subject to Delisted risk warning.