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Haseko, Daiwa House, ETC (additional) Rating
Upgraded - Bullish Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous Change After -------------------------------------------------------- <8056> BIPROGY City "3" "2" Downgraded - Bearish Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous Change After -------------------------------------------------------- <3659> Nexon Nomura "Buy" "
Rating information (Target Price change - Part 2) = KOKUSA, Koss Corp, etc.
◎ Mizuho Securities (three tiers: Buy > Hold > underperform) KOKUSAI <6525.T> -- "Buy" → "Buy", 3,600 yen → 4,600 yen Hotonikusu <6965.T> -- "Buy" → "Buy", 3,400 yen → 3,300 yen ZOZO <3092.T> -- "Hold" → "Hold", 4,400 yen → 4,800 yen ◎ Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities (three tiers: Overweight > Equal Weight > Underweight) Cosmo Energy Holdings <5021.T> --
Rating information (changes in investment decisions - Part 2) = Fujikura, Tokyo Electron ETC.
◎ Iwai Kōsmo Securities (5 levels: A > B+ > B > B- > C) Fujikura <5803.T> – "A" → "B+", 3,500 yen → 8,000 yen Alback <6728.T> – "A" → "B+", 11,200 yen → 7,000 yen ◎ Mito Securities (5 levels: A > B+ > B > B- > C) Tokyo Electron <8035.T> – "A" → "B+", 30,000 yen → 30,000 yen ◎ UBS Securities (3 levels: Buy > neutral > Sell) Ariake <2815.T> – "neutral".
<Rating Change Observation> Upgraded ratings for Asahi Kasei and Ariake, while Nexon has been downgraded, ETC.
◎ New/restart Asahi Kasei <3407.T> -- Upgraded by foreign firms to the top tier in three levels. ◎ Upgrade Ariake <2815.T> -- Upgraded by European firms to the top tier in three levels. BIPROGA <8056.T> -- Rated by American firms in the middle of three levels. ◎ Downgrade Nexon <3659.T> -- Downgraded by domestic major firms to the middle of three levels. Tosoh <4042.T> -- Rated by domestic medium-sized firms in the middle of three levels. Round One <4680.T> -- Rated by domestic mid-tier firms in the middle of three levels. Fujikura <5803.T> -- Rated by domestic medium-sized firms at the second level of five.
List of stocks breaking through the cloud (part 3) [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo - List of stocks breaking through the cloud]
○ List of stocks that break through the clouds in the market Code Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Main Board <1939> Shikoku Electric Power Construction 1408 1562.25 1423 <1963> JGC Holdings Corporation 1188 1292 1331.5 <1982> Hibiya Engineering 3705 3850 3767.5 <3788> GMO Global Sign Holdings 2416 432 2643 <3984> User Local 1881 1900.25 193
Oriental Shiraishi, Nissui, etc. (additional) Rating
Upgraded - Bullish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous After ----------------------------------------------------- <3291> Iida GHD Daiwa "3" "2" <4189> KH Neochem Daiwa "3" "2" <6504> Fuji Electric SMBC Nikko "2" "1" Downgraded - Bearish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous After --------------------------------------------