visumo---A visual marketing platform deployment, prominent domestic companies across a wide range of Industries are Trade partners.
Visumo <303A> is engaged in the development and provision of visual marketing platform services. The company was established in 2019 as a result of a company split to inherit the business of the visual marketing platform "visumo," which was developed by ecbeing Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Soft Create HD <3371>. "Visumo" allows users to easily collect content (UGC) used in social media posts and short videos.
Although high-tech stocks are steady, there is a stagnation around 37,000 yen.
The Nikkei average rebounded, ending the trade at 37,028.27 yen, up 141.10 yen (Volume approximately 1.7 billion shares). It started with buying due to the rise in US stocks at the end of the previous week, but comments from President Trump led to uncertainty, and there were moments when the Nikkei average turned down to 36,705.02 yen. However, due to the continuous drop in stock prices, there were movements to pick up dips, and the yen, which was close to falling below 147 yen per dollar for a time, stabilized in the late 147 yen range, resulting in a buying movement.
Stocks that hit the upper or lower limit in the afternoon session.
■ Limit up <3747> Intertrade <4417> Global Security Expert <5616> Rain and Sun <9384> Domestic and International Transline ■ Limit down <2338> Quantum Solutions <3350> Meta Planet <3825> Remix Point * Includes temporary limit up/down (in bid price).
Brodleaf---a SaaS company focused on the mobility industry centered around Auto Parts.
Broadleaf <3673>'s main business is the development and sale of Software for the mobility industry, such as automotive maintenance shops and parts dealers. The company has set a policy to transition its main products in Software sales from the traditional Software ".NS series (Dot N.S series)" to the new cloud Software ".c series (Dot Sea series)", and is advancing support for the DX promotion of the mobility industry. The ".c series" has a revenue model based on monthly sales.
M3, Coca BJH, etc. (additional) Rating
Upgraded - Bullish Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous After Change --------------------------------------------------- <3436> SUMCO SMBC Nikko "2" "1" <5947> Rinnai Mizuho "Hold" "Buy" <9983> Fast Retailing SMBC Nikko "2" "1" Downgraded - Bearish Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous After Change -------------------------------------
Stocks like Isle continue to rank, negatively viewing the downward earnings reports for the first half of the year.
Aile <3854> is ranked (as of 10:32 AM). It has dropped significantly. The company announced its first-half financial results last weekend. Operating profit is 2.26 billion yen, a 1.0% increase compared to the same period last year, and it fell below the previous Financial Estimates of 2.36 billion yen. The maintained full-year plan is 4.8 billion yen, a 12.6% increase compared to the previous period. Increased labor costs due to the review of the personnel system and the increase in employee numbers, as well as rising promotional expenses and other QITABANKUAI, are factors suppressing earnings. Volume change rate ranking [as of March 10, 10:32 AM].