[Fisco Featured Stocks] [Material Stocks] Morito <9837> 1444 yen (11/19) Engaged in fasteners, clothing materials, automotive interior parts, etc. The year-end dividend for the fiscal year ending November 24 is announced to be 34 yen. The previous forecast was 29 yen, and the year-end dividend for the previous period was 28 yen. In addition, shareholders who hold 100 or more shares at the end of the period will be presented with a commemorative gift (500 yen QUO card) for the 35th anniversary of listing. At the same time, it will acquire all the shares of Ms.ID, a manufacturer, importer, and seller of fashion accessories, and make it a subsidiary.
○雲上突破股票一覽市場 代碼 股票名稱 收盤價 領先span A 領先span B 東證主板 <1808> 長谷工 1885 1870.75 1809.5 <1885> 東亞建11121091.75 1035 <1975> 朝日工17171584.25 1472 <2282> 日哈姆50094969.54 624.5 <2875> 東洋水產1023598
USS二手車拍賣:半年度報告-第 45 學期 (2024/04/01-2025/03/31)
<2768>雙日股票公司三菱UFJ摩根·斯坦利證券股票公司股權持有比例 1.35% → 0.16% 舉報義務發生日 2024/10/28<4544>H.U.集團控股股份有限公司三菱UFJ摩根·斯坦利證券股份有限公司股權持有比例 1.33% → 0.09% 舉報義務發生日 2024/10/28<4732>股份有限公司尤·艾斯·艾斯株式會社三菱UFJ銀行股權保
任天堂(adr),25/3下方修正 營業利潤 3600億日元←4000億日元