*世界<3612> 2158 +228三菱商事旗下企业完全子公司化。*古德科姆资产<3475> 867 +81收益财务预测上调和增配受到好评。*寿灵<2222> 2087 +144高盛证券新建议买入。*诺力特钢机<7744> 4605 +280业绩财务预测再度上调。*东邦钛<5727> 1032 +46日本制造的钛受到报道称赞,并且势不可挡。
等级上升-看好股票名称证券公司旧版更改后------------------------------------------------------<3093>东京一幸「B」「A」 等级下降-看淡股票名称证券公司旧版更改后------------------------------------------------------<7867>TAKARA TOMY SBI「买入」「持有」<4293>
Terra Drone---初始价格为2162日元(公开价格2350日元)
terra Drone<278A>的初始价格为2162日元,低于公开价格8.0%。初始价格形成时的成交量为33万200股。
[Fisco Featured Stock] [Material Stock] Goodcome Asset <3475> 786 yen (11/28) Plans, develops, and sells condominiums in 1 Metropolis and 3 Prefectures in the Tokyo metropolitan area. The profit for the FY24 is expected to be revised upward. The operating profit is expected to be 5.451 billion yen (2.5 times higher than the previous year). Due to the review of sales strategies, the revenue forecast is downwards adjusted, however, the high-profit margin real estate management stock income has increased. At the same time, the dividend policy has been changed, with a target dividend payout ratio of 35% (previously
terra Drone---卖出气配,今天在东交所成长市场新上市
今天,Terra Drone<278A>已在东京证券交易所GROWTH市场上市。目前,以公开价2350日元,买入约12万股,卖出约28万股,净差额约16万股。