Guangzhou Langqi (000523): Foreign Investment Rating (FIR)
Guangzhou Langqi (000523) In-depth Report: Asset Injection Expectations for Guangzhou Light Industry's Only Listed Platform
Comments on Guangzhou Langqi (000523) Annual report and Quarterly report: Qihua Network has made steady progress in terms of its high scale, high growth and large daily chemical platform.
Comments on Guangzhou Langqi (000523) Daily News: Qihua net Chemical Trade take-off platform is expected
Comments on Guangzhou Langqi (000523) Annual report: the reform of state-owned enterprises is approaching to create a platform for daily chemical industry.
[Guotai Junan] comments on Guangzhou Langqi 2015 Annual report: the reform of state-owned enterprises is approaching, and it is expected to build a big platform for daily chemical industry.
Guangzhou Langqi (000523) comments: Lingnan Holdings suspension Company as a whole listed gradually
[Guotai Junan] Guangzhou Langqi: Lingnan Holdings suspension and gradual listing of the company as a whole
Guangzhou Langqi (000523) Company investigation report: the future development of superior enterprises of washing products is worth looking forward to.
[Haitong] investigation report of Guangzhou Langqi Company: superior enterprises of washing products, the future development is worth looking forward to.
广州浪奇(000523)点评:定增顺利过会 国改、外延扩张有望加速
广州浪奇(000523)中报点评:国改加速外延可期 日化大平台稳步推进
广州浪奇(000523):外延并购+国企改革 打造日化大平台
广州浪奇(000523):“资产隐蔽型”+ “逆境反转型”公司
【广发证券】广州浪奇:“资产隐蔽型” “逆境反转型”公司-130812