Aoyuan Beauty Valley Technology: Simplified Equity Change Report (Aoyuan Kexing)
*ST Beauty Valley: Announcement on the completion of the transfer of the controlling shareholder\'s shares that were judicially auctioned and that the ratio of changes in passive holdings reduction of equity reached 5%
*ST Beauty Valley: Announcement on the bidding results of the second auction of some of the company\'s shares held by the controlling shareholder and the progress of the judicial auction
*ST Meigu: Announcement on the completion of cancellation of remaining stock options in the 2021 Stock Option Incentive Plan
*ST Meigu: Progress announcement on the second auction and judicial auction of some of the company\'s shares held by the controlling shareholder
*ST Meigu: Legal opinion from Guangdong Nanguo Dysai Law Firm on matters relating to the cancellation of stock options in Aoyuan Meigu Technology Co., Ltd.\'s 2021 stock option incentive plan
*ST Meigu: Announcement on cancellation of remaining stock options in the 2021 Stock Option Incentive Plan
*ST Miya: Announcement on the pending freezing of the company\'s controlling shareholder\'s shares
Aoyuan Beauty Valley: An indicative announcement that some of the company\'s controlling shareholder\'s shares will be judicially auctioned
Aoyuan Miya: Announcement on the pending freezing of the company\'s controlling shareholder\'s shares
Aoyuan Miya: Announcement on the judicial freezing of shares held by shareholders holding 5% or more of the company\'s shares and awaiting freezing
Aoyuan Meigu: Notice on the re-freezing of the company\'s controlling shareholder\'s shares and waiting to be frozen
Aoyuan Beauty Valley: Announcement on the judicial re-freezing of some of the company\'s controlling shareholder\'s shares
Aoyuan Meigu: announcement on the judicial freeze of some shares of the company\'s controlling shareholders
Aoyuan Meigu: a reminder that the shareholding ratio of the controlling shareholder has passively increased to more than 30% due to the cancellation of the repurchase shares of the company.
Aoyuan Meigu: announcement on the cancellation of buyback shares and changes in shares
Aoyuan Meigu: announcement on the completion of the implementation of the reduction plan for shareholders with more than 5% of shares and their concerted actors
Aoyuan Meigu: announcement on more than 5% of shareholders and their concerted actors to reduce their holdings for more than half of the time
Aoyuan Meigu: announcement on the early termination of the senior management share reduction plan and the result of the reduction
Oyuan Meigu: announcement on the completion of the cancellation of some stock options in the 2021 stock option incentive plan