Xinxiang Chemical Fiber (000949): Viscose filaments are booming, and performance increased in the first half of the year
Xinxiang Chemical Fiber (000949): Second-quarter results increased sharply month-on-month, and the popularity of viscose filament increased
Xinxiang Chemical Fiber (000949): First-quarter results reversed, and viscose filament leaders are expected to benefit from the industry boom cycle
Xinxiang Chemical Fiber (000949): The inflection point of the first quarter results is confirmed, and the second quarter is expected to continue to increase sharply from month to month
Xinxiang Chemical Fiber (000949): Chaofeng, a leading country in the global viscose filament industry, spawns new market demand
Xinxiang Chemical Fiber (000949): Viscose filament price increase company is expected to continue to benefit as an industry leader
Xinxiang Chemical Fiber (000949) 2021 Interim Report Review: Spandex's boom and profit surge performance is in line with expectations
Xinxiang Chemical Fiber (000949): spandex boom upwards H1 performance
Xinxiang Chemical Fiber (000949): the spandex industry continues to boom and its half-year performance reaches a new high.
Xinxiang Chemical Fiber (000949): the leading domestic chemical fiber enterprises benefit from the improvement of spandex prosperity.
Xinxiang Chemical Fiber (000949): Q1 performance of the spandex industry boosted by prosperity is expected to rise in 2021.
Xinxiang Chemical Fiber (000949): 2020Q4 spandex industry is booming and its performance is expected to take off in 2021.
Xinxiang Chemical Fiber (000949): create the global "spandex + viscose filament" double leading spandex boom
Xinxiang Chemical Fiber (000949): filament exports drag down performance spandex recovery flexibility
Xinxiang Chemical Fiber (000949): First-quarter results are expected to increase 125%-186%, masks drive demand for thick spandex
Xinxiang Chemical Fiber (000949): viscose filament spandex bibcock green fiber layout is worth looking forward to
新乡化纤(000949):逆势扩张 打造氨纶与粘胶长丝双龙头
新乡化纤(000949)2019年中报点评:粘胶长丝价差扩大 上半年净利润大幅增加
新乡化纤(000949)半年报点评:业绩略低于预期 看好公司未来发展