Changyuan Electric Power (000966): Optimistic about the company's profit growth in the long term of installed capacity
Changyuan Electric Power (000966) Quarterly Report Review: Q3 Results Exceed Expectations and Plans to Increase Use for New Energy
Changyuan Electric Power (000966): Declining coal prices improve profits and accelerate transition to new energy
Changyuan Electric Power (000966): The advantages of thermal power in the province continue, and new energy expectations are optimistic
Changyuan Electric Power (000966): Profitability is expected to be restored as the scale of new energy sources rises
Changyuan Electric Power (000966): thermal power drags down performance or weakens gradually
Changyuan Electric Power (000966): the expectation of new energy transformation has been reflected in stages.
Changyuan Electric Power (000966): the second quarter performance rebounded obviously short-term pressure does not change long-term value
Dynamic comments of Changyuan Electric Power (000966) Company: the decline of China report performance is significantly narrower than that of Q1. Q2 single-quarter electricity and profit improved significantly.
Changyuan Electric Power (000966): the recovery of power generation business is optimistic about the profit elasticity of coal price.
Changyuan Electric Power (000966): The proposed acquisition of the Group's assets is expected to double the installed capacity
Changyuan Electric Power (000966): downward coal price is expected to be bad for hedging electricity.
Changyuan Electric Power (000966): the water regime of the epidemic affects the level of power generation in the first quarter. It is long-term optimistic that the cost of purchasing coal will be reduced.
Changyuan Electric Power (000966) 2019 electricity data and performance forecast comments: high performance, no worries about electricity price increase
长源电力(000966):资产减值不改业绩向好趋势 煤价下行有望对冲电价影响
长源电力(000966):陆上风电陆续投产 随州火电启动前期工作
长源电力(000966):三季度发电量创历史最好 浩吉铁路释放煤价弹性
长源电力(000966)2019年三季报点评:电量高增拉动业绩 继续博弈浩吉铁路
长源电力(000966)2019三季报点评:发电量增长叠加煤价下跌 公司业绩大增191.69%
长源电力(000966):三季度电量维持高增长 湖北省内火电盈利持续向好
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