Donghua Software (002065): Performance Slightly Exceeds Expectations; Continued Monitoring of Healthcare and Smart City Advances
Donghua Software (002065): First-quarter results stabilized and waited for model breakthroughs
Donghua Software (002065): Donghua has broad prospects for downwind growth.
Donghua Software (002065): performance short-term pressure medical business continues to be high
Donghua Software (002065): the performance in the third quarter is slightly lower than expected and the steady pace of the medical track sets the momentum for subsequent growth.
东华软件(002065)公司2020年三季报点评:Q3盈利水平小幅下滑 长期增长趋势不改
Donghua Software (002065): the impact of the epidemic weakens the performance of the health industry
Donghua Software (002065): The three main businesses work together to report semi-annual results in line with expectations
东华软件(002065)2020年半年报点评:医疗和金融业务并举 驱动公司业绩增长
Donghua Software (002065): the performance in the first half of the year is in line with expectations, and there are quite a few bright spots for subsequent growth.
东华软件(002065):业绩符合预期 “鹏霄”服务器值得期待
东华软件(002065):拟定增募资40.13亿元 加码云计算、AI等新兴产业 加快信创步伐
东华软件(002065):助力鲲鹏 成人达己
东华软件(002065)公司2019年报及20Q1点评:健康行业高增长不变 看好鹏霄长期发展
东华软件(002065):业绩符合预期 “鹏霄”服务器值得期待
东华软件(002065):2019年各业务均实现扩张 疫情之下一季度整体经营稳健
东华软件(002065):乘鹏霄以千里 下一个百亿收入的开始
东华软件(002065):IT重构元年 华为鲲鹏重构集成商产业模式
东华软件(002065)重大事项点评:联合华为推出“鹏霄”服务器 共建鲲鹏生态展宏图
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