Commentary on the Zhangzi Island (002069) incident: Another “black swan” scallop inventory abnormal may cause losses throughout the year
Zhangzi Island (002069) Third Quarterly Report Review
Zhangzi Island (002069) Quarterly Report Review: The profitability of the main business is gradually increasing, and the expansion of the industrial chain opens up room for growth!
Zhangzi Island (002069): initial results of business improvement and sustained high growth
Zhangzi Island (002069) Review: The road to industrial fund implementation and integration begins!
Zhangzi Island (002069) Interim Report Review: Focus on Building a First-Class Marine Ranch
Zhangzi Island (002069) semi-annual report comments: breeding improvement to promote the performance of high-growth food direction transformation to open the growth space!
Zhangzi Island (002069) China News comments: ocean Ranch resumes good Food sales and accelerates Energy release
Comments on Zhangzi Island (002069) Quarterly report: reverse Breakthrough and set sail again
Comments on the quarterly report of Zhangzi Island (002069): the performance reversal company has entered a new era of development.
* ST. Zhang Dao (002069): Successfully removed the hat and entered a new era of growth
*ST. Zhangdao (002069): Farming improvement and transformation begins a period of rapid growth in performance!
*ST獐岛(002069)年报点评:单产恢复业绩反转 摘星脱帽期待突破
*ST獐岛(002069):养殖有望好转 产品营销发力 静待资源整合
*ST獐岛(002069)2016年业绩快报点评:转型见成效 摘帽在即!
*ST獐岛(002069)点评:拐点确立 期待突破
*ST獐岛(002069)季报点评:海洋牧场恢复情况良好 全年展望扭亏为盈
*ST獐岛(002069)季报点评:转型初见成效 预计16年大幅扭亏为盈