Leybold Hi-Tech (002106): Rapid performance growth in 2024Q1, steady progress in MED projects
Leybold Hi-Tech (002106): Product production and sales were strong in the first quarter, and performance increased sharply year-on-year
Laibao Hi-Tech (002106): Q1 net profit was 135% year-on-year median, and touch laptops and vehicles continued to exceed expectations
Laibao Tech (002106): high performance increase in touch laptops and on-board display of two-wheel drive
Leybold Hi-Tech (002106): Boom in laptop demand boosts revenue growth from quarter to quarter, exchange losses affect net profit growth
Laibao Tech (002106): the laptop boom boosted revenue in the third quarter and exchange losses affected net profit performance.
Laibao Hi-Tech (002106): demand boom profits in the first half of the year continue to benefit from increased penetration of touch laptops
Laibao Hi-Tech (002106) comments: China report meets expectations and benefits from increased penetration of touch laptops.
Laibao Tech (002106): global laptop touchscreen leader benefits from increased penetration of touch laptops
Leibao Hi-Tech (002106): The popularity of laptop touch control, fine operation, and flexibility
Comments of Laibao Hi-Tech (002106) Company: the performance forecast of China Central News exceeded expectations and the order of notebook was full.
莱宝高科(002106)深度分析:细分龙头短期确定性高 未来持续受益触控显示渗透率提升
莱宝高科(002106):一季报预增 受益笔电景气度提升
莱宝高科(002106):全年营收稳健增长 毛利率改善提升盈利能力
莱宝高科(002106):上半年营收稳健净利大增 下半年旺季值得期待
莱宝高科(002106):触控笔电渗透提升 新品提升公司盈利能力
莱宝高科(002106)中报点评:汇兑波动影响短期 业务拓展顺利前景值得期待
莱宝高科(002106)中报点评:中大尺寸触控显示屏持续放量 汇兑损益影响盈利水平
莱宝高科(002106)中报点评:业绩受汇兑损失拖累 OGS产品成长性良好
莱宝高科(002106)季报点评:OGS放量 盈利能力持续性提升