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BISON FINANCE [00888] is currently reported at 0.041 HKD, an increase of 20.59%.
As of 13:21, BISON FINANCE [00888] is priced at HKD 0.041, up HKD 0.007 or 20.59% from yesterday's closing price of HKD 0.034, with a trading volume of HKD 0.0001 million, today's highest price at HKD 0.041 and lowest price at HKD 0.041. Based on yesterday's closing price, the 10-day average price is HKD 0.04, the 50-day average price is HKD 0.04, and the current PE is -2.34 times, with a 14-day strength index of 35.00.
Bison Finance Enhances Audit Committee for Better Transparency
Bison Finance Group Announces Registrar Change in Bermuda
Bison Finance Group Welcomes New Non-Executive Director
Bison Finance (00888): Yuan Haihai has been appointed as a non-executive director.
Bison finance (00888) announced that Yuan Haihai has been appointed as a non-executive director, effective from November 28, 2024...
The 10 trillion debt-to-equity swap is here! A-shares are expected to strengthen, these sectors may benefit.
On November 8th, the 12th meeting of the 14th National People's Congress Standing Committee (hereinafter referred to as the "meeting") concluded. The meeting reviewed and approved the most significant debt-to-equity swap measures in recent years, attracting high market attention.