We provide foundation engineering services in Hong Kong and Macau. We have over 46 years of experience in undertaking foundation works in Hong Kong since 1970. We have registered with the Buildings Department as specialist contractors for foundation works and site preparation projects and are included in the list of approved specialist contractors for land piling (Group II) category maintained by the Works Division of the Development Bureau. We are also included in the Housing Authority's “Percussive Piling” category of contractors. Our foundation works were mainly carried out by our main operating subsidiary, Juncheng Chen's Engineering Co., Ltd. The scope of foundation works we undertake mainly includes piling construction (such as drive-in I-piles, rock-embedded I-piles, prefabricated prestressed piles, miniature piles, vertical piles, pipe piles and central columns), ELS engineering, pile cap construction, site preparation and supporting services (such as load testing and construction equipment rental services). We carry out foundation works as a general contractor or subcontractor, depending on the customer's requirements, the nature of the project, our assessment of profitability, alternative projects, and available internal resources.