HK Stock MarketDetailed Quotes


  • 4.080
  • -0.060-1.45%
Market Closed Mar 28 16:08 CST
2.28BMarket Cap-113.33P/E (TTM)

About QIAN XUN TECH Company

Established in 2003, we are a well-known advertising marketer focusing mainly on TV advertising services in China. With our experience and expertise in TV advertising, we have successfully expanded our services to provide digital and outdoor advertising services. With our strong strategy formulation capabilities and the Group's deep industry experience, we are able to provide a wide range of advertising services. We are committed to providing customers with personalized advertising solutions and formulating personalized recommendations based on our analysis of relevant market and industry data, so as to meet the customer's budget and marketing goals at the same time. According to the Insight Consulting Report, in terms of TV advertising revenue in 2018, we ranked 10th out of about 5,000 TV advertising media marketers in China, with a market share of about 0.3%.

Company Profile

Listing DateNov 12, 2019
Issue Price1.25
Shares Offered100.00M share(s)
FoundedJan 15, 2019
Registered AddressCayman Islands
Chairmanchangpeng sun
Secretaryjianwen yu
Audit InstitutionPak Chun Certified Public Accountants Limited
Company CategoryOverseas registration of Mainland Individuals control
Registered Office190 Elgin Avenue George Town Grand Cayman KY1-9008 Cayman Islands
Head Office and Principal Place of BusinessRoom 2917, 29th floor, 1 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
Fiscal Year Ends12-31
MarketHong Kong motherboard
Business Qianxun Technology Co., Ltd. (former name: Ruicheng (China) Media Group Co., Ltd.) is an investment holding company mainly engaged in providing advertising services. The company's advertising services include television (TV) advertising services, digital advertising services, outdoor advertising services, and other advertising services. TV advertising services include hard television advertising services and a portfolio of advertising solutions involving soft television advertising services. The company mainly operates in the domestic market.

Company Executives

  • Name
  • Position
  • Salary
  • changpeng sun
  • Chairman of the Board, Executive Director, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, Remuneration Committee Members
  • --
  • xuejun leng
  • Executive Director, Vice Chairman of the Board, Authorized Representative
  • 286.00K
  • aiyin lin
  • Independent Non-Executive Director, Chairman of the Audit Committee, Nomination Committee Members
  • --
  • chengsi huang
  • Independent Non-Executive Director, Remuneration Committee Chairman, Audit Committee Members, Nomination Committee Members
  • --
  • zhongjie niu
  • Independent Non-Executive Director, Remuneration Committee Members, Audit Committee Members
  • --
  • zi lin
  • Deputy General Manager
  • --
  • jianwen yu
  • Authorized Representative, Company Secretary
  • --

Market Insights

Robotics Investment Opportunities Robotics Investment Opportunities

Robotics includes companies involved in the design, creation, and manufacture of robots. These machines can perform tasks autonomously or semi-autonomously, often with the aim of improving efficiency, productivity, and safety across various industries. Robotics companies are rapidly innovating new technology with applications across many industries. They offer opportunities for growth and efficiency, align with long-term automation trends, and have the potential for disruption in emerging markets, making them appealing to investors. Robotics includes companies involved in the design, creation, and manufacture of robots. These machines can perform tasks autonomously or semi-autonomously, often with the aim of improving efficiency, productivity, and safety across various industries. Robotics companies are rapidly innovating new technology with applications across many industries. They offer opportunities for growth and efficiency, align with long-term automation trends, and have the potential for disruption in emerging markets, making them appealing to investors.

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