Company NameCAPITAL VC
Listing DateOct 27, 2003
Issue Price1.00
Shares Offered50.00M share(s)
FoundedNov 13, 2002
Registered AddressCayman Islands
Secretaryyiqing chen
Audit InstitutionGuocheng Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd
Company CategoryOther
Registered OfficeCricket Square, Hutchins Drive, P.O.Box 2681, Grand Cayman KY1-1111, Cayman Islands
Head Office and Principal Place of BusinessRoom 506, 5th floor, New World Tower 1, 18 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong
Fiscal Year Ends09-30
MarketHong Kong motherboard
Phone(852) 3756 0081
Fax(852) 3005 6604
Business Capital Venture Capital Co., Ltd. is an investment holding company, mainly engaged in investing in listed and unlisted companies. The company has operated through three business segments. The Financial Assets Division, which is treated as profit and loss at fair value, engages in the investment business of securities listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The Available for Sale Investment Department is engaged in the investment business of unlisted securities. The Associated Companies Division's investments have a significant impact on the company, and it is not a subsidiary or a joint venture's physical business.