HK Stock MarketDetailed Quotes


  • 0.133
  • -0.001-0.75%
Market Closed Mar 7 16:08 CST
83.07MMarket Cap-0.75P/E (TTM)

About KIDZTECH Company

Qishida Holdings Limited (the 'Company', together with its subsidiaries, collectively the 'Group') is a leading toy manufacturer that produces high quality smart toy cars and interactive toys. The company is the second largest smart toy car toy manufacturer in China and the top ten toy manufacturers in China. Our factory in China covers an area of over 50,000 square meters and is equipped with advanced production facilities. The company is certified by the International Toy Industry Council (ICTI), the Commercial Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI), and Global Safety Verification (GSV). The company has also cooperated with various well-known global chain stores to form a solid customer base for the company. Kidztech Toys Manufacturing Limited is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company. With the company's house designers and marketing team, the company continues to produce innovative products and has established specific sales platforms and distribution channels. The company ships to more than 50 countries and more than 300 customers around the world. The Group has obtained more than 20 top car licenses for Lamborghini, Bugatti, Pagani, Ford, and Volkswagen. The most noteworthy of these is that the company is also an authorized dealer for Hot Wheels and Transformers. The company will continue to create innovative products to bring fun to the world!

Company Profile

Company NameKIDZTECH
Listing DateMar 18, 2020
Issue Price1.38
Shares Offered88.40M share(s)
FoundedOct 25, 2019
Registered AddressCayman Islands
Chairmanhuang yu
Secretaryjunying gan
Audit InstitutionEvergreen (Hong Kong) Certified Public Accountants Limited
Company CategoryOverseas registration of Mainland Individuals control
Registered OfficeCricket Square, Hutchins Drive, PO Box 2681 Grand Cayman, KY1-1111 Cayman Islands
Head Office and Principal Place of BusinessRoom 2202, 22nd floor, Causeway Bay Plaza Phase I, 489 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Fiscal Year Ends12-31
MarketHong Kong motherboard
Business Qishida Holdings Limited is an investment holding company mainly engaged in the toy business. The company designs, develops, manufactures and sells high-quality smart car models, intelligent interactive toys and traditional toys. The company's customers mainly include retailers, such as multinational and national retailers that operate mass market retail chains, multinational and national toy product retailers and online store operators that operate toy chains; wholesalers, such as overseas wholesalers, Chinese export wholesalers, and Chinese domestic wholesalers; and other overseas customers. The company focuses on overseas markets, sells its products directly to overseas customers, and also sells products overseas through Chinese export wholesalers.

Company Executives

  • Name
  • Position
  • Salary
  • huang yu
  • Chairman of the Board, CEO, Executive Director, Nomination Committee Members, Authorized Representative
  • 1.02M
  • qiang zhu
  • Executive Director, Remuneration Committee Members, Nomination Committee Members
  • 163.00K
  • jingyun zheng
  • Non-executive Directors
  • --
  • shiling wang
  • Independent Non-Executive Director, Remuneration Committee Chairman, Nomination Committee Members, Audit Committee Members
  • 109.00K
  • lan gong
  • Independent Non-Executive Director, Chairman of the Audit Committee, Nomination Committee Members, Remuneration Committee Members
  • 109.00K
  • chunlian huang
  • Independent Non-Executive Director, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, Audit Committee Members, Remuneration Committee Members
  • --
  • junying gan
  • Authorized Representative, Company Secretary
  • --
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