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Volume change rate ranking (10 o'clock) - Yume Tenbo, Youratech, ETC are ranked.
In the Volume change rate ranking, the interests of market participants such as trends in stock selection can be understood by comparing the average Volume of the last 5 days with the Volume on the day of delivery. ■ Top Volume Change Rates [as of January 31, 10:32] (comparison of the average Volume over the last 5 days) Stock Code Stock Name Volume 5-Day Average Volume Volume Change Rate Stock Price Change Rate <2524> NZAM TPX 21130 11233.828 272.23% -0.0
Rating [Securities company ratings]
Upgraded - Bullish Code Stock Name Brokerage Old New -------------------------------------------------------------- <6586> Makita UBS "neutral" "buy" <5929> Sanwa HD UBS "neutral" "buy" <5857> AREHD Ichiyoshi "B" "A" <4751> Cyber Iwai Cosmo "B+" "A" Downgraded - Bearish Code Stock Name Brokerage Old New ----
<Rating Change Observation> Upgrade for New/Board La / AREHD, downgrade for Topcon, ETC.
◎ New and Resumed Board Review <4413.T> - Internet companies are in the highest tier of three, Hitocom HD <4433.T> - Domestic mid-sized firms are in the highest tier of three, Sumitomo Rubbers <5110.T> - Domestic quasi-large companies are in the highest tier of three, Goldwin <8111.T> - European Index firms are in the highest tier of three, Tokyo Metro <9023.T> - Domestic mid-sized firms are in the highest tier of three. ◎ Upgrade Cyber <4751.T> - Domestic quasi-large companies are in the highest tier of five, ARE HD <5857.T> - Domestic mid-sized firms are in three.
List of conversion stocks [List of parabolic signal conversion stocks]
○ List of stocks turning to Buy Market Code Stock Name Close Price SAR Main Board <1852> Asanuma Group 646 622 <1939> Shikoku Electric Power 15111451 <1944> Kindan 30832934 <1959> Kyushu Electric Power 53955091 <2153> EJ HD 16411586 <2157> Koshidaka HD 10691026 <2212> Yamazaki Baking 28362696 <2613>
List of breakout stocks (Part 1) [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo - List of breakout stocks]
○ List of stocks breaking through clouds in the market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Main Board <1786> Oriental Shiraishi 388 387 382.5 <1814> Daisue Construction 16721597.51664.5 <1929> Nichitokuken 1045985.51009 <1934> Yourtech 15281451.751483.5 <1939> Shikoku Electric Construction 15111505.51392.5
Stocks that moved the previous day part 1 JBCC HD, Nojima, Nomura Micro Science, ETC.
Ticker Name <Code> 30-day closing price ⇒ Change from the previous day JBCC HD <9889> 4690 +415 Operating profit for the cumulative third quarter increased by 36.0%. A 1-for-4 Stock Split was also announced. Nojima <7419> 2426 +221 Financial Estimates for the fiscal year ending March 25 have been revised upward. Seiko <6286> 900 +782 Dividends estimates for the fiscal year ending March 25 have been revised upward. AI Fusion Capital Group <254A> 1080 +150 Established a subsidiary and started a Cryptos investment business.