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Express News | Aix Inc. (Nasdaq:Aifu): Reshaping AI Insurance and the Healthcare Industry--a Promising Future Ahead?
AIX Inc. (NASDAQ:AIFU): Reshaping AI Insurance and the Healthcare Industry--A Promising Future Ahead?
Asia Vets (NASDAQ: AIFU): Reshaping AI insurance and the big health industry, is the future promising?
Hong Kong, November 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Asia Vets Future Limited (NASDAQ: AIFU), a leading company focusing on insurance agency and claims services. Recently, the company has been gradually promoting its transformation towards intelligence and diversification, aiming to seize the potential growth opportunities in AI insurance and the big health sector. The restructuring of its high-quality assets and strategic cooperation with Bohme Group (NASDAQ: BGM) are expected to create a second curve of future performance growth for the company. 1. Restructure high-quality assets to create a smarter future, AIFU recently restructured its core assets, involving an amount of
AIX Inc | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)
BGM Group Announces Its Acquisition Of The Intelligent Platform Of AIX Inc. For ~$140M
Express News | Aix Inc: Aix Agreed to Transfer Equity Interests of Its Intelligent Platform Valued at Approximately US$140.0 Mln, to Bgm