Appen Ltd: Ceasing to be a substantial holder from MUFG
Appen Ltd: Ceasing to be a substantial holder
Appen Ltd: Becoming a substantial holder from MUFG
Appen Ltd: Notification regarding unquoted securities - APX
Appen Ltd: Ceasing to be a substantial holder from MUFG
Appen Ltd: Ceasing to be a substantial holder
Appen Ltd: Becoming a substantial holder from MUFG
Appen Ltd: Becoming a substantial holder
Appen Ltd: Change of Director's Interest Notice - Ms Robin Low
Appen Ltd: Change of Director's Interest Notice - Mr Stuart Davis
Appen Ltd: Application for quotation of securities - APX
Appen Ltd: Successful Completion of Share Purchase Plan
Appen Ltd: Notice under subsection 708A(5) of the Corporations Act
Appen Ltd: Application for quotation of securities - APX
Appen Ltd: Notice under section 708A(5)(e) of the Corporations Act
Appen Ltd: Application for quotation of securities - APX
Appen Ltd: Notification regarding unquoted securities - APX
Appen Ltd: Successful Completion of Institutional Placement
Appen Ltd: Notification of cessation of securities - APX
Appen Ltd: Proposed issue of securities - APX