General Announcement-3Q2024 & 9M2024 Corporate Highlights
General Announcement-Completion of the Proposed Bonds Redemption and Offer
Disclosure of Interest/ Changes in Interest of Substantial Shareholder(s)/ Unitholder(s)-Disclosure of Changes in Interest of Substantial Shareholder
General Announcement-Proposed Bonds Redemption and Offer
General Announcement-Change of Company Secretary
General Announcement-Exit from the Watch-List of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited
Disclosure of Interest/ Changes in Interest of Director/ Chief Executive Officer-Disclosure of Change In Interest of Chief Executive Officer
Disclosure of Interest/ Changes in Interest of Director/ Chief Executive Officer-Disclosure of Change In Interest of Director
Disclosure of Interest/ Changes in Interest of Director/ Chief Executive Officer-Disclosure of Change In Interest of Director
Beng Kuang - watch list: REPL-Bonus Issue/ Capitalisation Issue-Mandatory
Beng Kuang - watch list: REPL-Bonus Issue/ Capitalisation Issue-Mandatory
Beng Kuang - watch list: REPL-Bonus Issue/ Capitalisation Issue-Mandatory
Beng Kuang - watch list: General Announcement-Cybersecurity Incident
Beng Kuang - watch list: Disclosure of Interest/ Changes in Interest of Director/ Chief Executive Officer-Disclosure of Change In Interest of Chief Executive Officer
Beng Kuang - watch list: General Announcement-Press Release
Beng Kuang - watch list: Bonus Issue/ Capitalisation Issue-Mandatory
Beng Kuang - watch list: General Announcement-Quarterly Update Pursuant to Rule 1313(2) of the Listing Manual
Beng Kuang - watch list: General Announcement-1H2024 Corporate Highlights
Beng Kuang - watch list: Financial Statements and Related Announcement-Half Yearly Results
Beng Kuang - watch list: Disclosure of Interest/ Changes in Interest of Substantial Shareholder(s)/ Unitholder(s)-Disclosure of Interest/ Changes in Interest of Substantial Shareholder(s)/ Unitholder(s)
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