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GameStop Options Spot-On: On January 27th, 157.12K Contracts Were Traded, With 886.59K Open Interest
On January 27th ET, $GameStop(GME.US)$ had active options trading, with a total trading volume of 157.12K options for the day, of which put options accounted for 16.46% of the total transactions,
GameStop Stock Sees High Call Volume Despite January Slump
Some Videogame Makers Hopeful GTA 6 Will Cost as Much as $100: Analyst
GameStop Options Spot-On: On January 24th, 187.8K Contracts Were Traded, With 863.63K Open Interest
On January 24th ET, $GameStop(GME.US)$ had active options trading, with a total trading volume of 187.8K options for the day, of which put options accounted for 20.18% of the total transactions, and
The leading figure "Roaring Kitten" has posted again! The sci-fi animation segment has sparked market speculation about whether the MEME craze will make a comeback.
Roaring kitten posts again!
GameStop Makes a Drastic Move Amid Weak Sales