Plexure Group Ltd: Appendix 1A Annexure III (Foreign Entities)
Plexure Group Ltd: Appendix 1A Information Form and Checklist
Plexure Group Ltd: Application for Change of Admission Category - Appendix 1A
Plexure Group Ltd: ASX Notice - Change of Admission Category
Plexure Group Ltd: Ongoing Disclosure Notice - R Bennett, K Byrne, A Gaylard
Plexure Group Ltd: Issue of Shares under PX1 Restricted Share Units Scheme
Plexure Group Ltd: Plexure Group Issues Employee Share Options
Plexure Group Ltd: Ongoing Disclosure Notice - Crichton
Plexure Group Ltd: Waiver from NZX Listing Rule 5.1.1(b)
Plexure Group Ltd: Annual Meeting and Director Nominations
Plexure Group Ltd: Plexure Group Issues Employee Share Options
Plexure Group Ltd: FY22 Results Announcement and Briefing Notice
Plexure Group Ltd: TASK and Plexure to jointly deploy solution for TANK
Plexure Group Ltd: TASK wins Accor Stadium mobile app and contract extension
Plexure Group Ltd: PX1's TASK wins contract extension with Foodco Group
Plexure Group Ltd: Plexure Group Trading Update
Plexure Group Ltd: Capital Change Notice - Issue of Shares per ESOS
Plexure Group Ltd: Capital Change Notice - Issue of Shares per ESOS
Plexure Group Ltd: Capital Change Notice- Issue of Shares per Employee Options
Plexure Group Ltd: Change of Capital Notice- Restricted Share Units