SIMPPLE Ltd. Announces Distribution Partnership With Elite VDP as Part of Its Geographical Expansion Into Vietnam
SIMPPLE Announces That Its Singapore Subsidiary Had Signed A $110,000 Partnership Agreement With RAAS PAL Co. To Distribute Internet-Of-Things Sensors, Robotics And The Flagship SIMPPLE Software Platform Across Thailand
SIMPPLE Ltd. Expands Footprint Into Thailand With $110,000 Contract and Signs Distribution Partnership With RAAS PAL
SIMPPLE Deploys 89 Autonomous Cleaning Robots Across Three Major MRT Lines In Singapore With SMRT Trains, Marking Largest Robotic Fleet In The Land Transport Sector
SIMPPLE Ltd. Announces Sale and Deployment of 89 Autonomous Cleaning Robots Across Three Major MRT Lines in Singapore Operated By SMRT Trains
SIMPPLE Ltd. Completes Trials Of Next-Gen Autonomic Intelligence Engine, SIMPPLE A.I., With Plans For Multi-Sector Commercialization