※以上日历仅为预定,可能会因公司安排而进行变更。---------------------------------------11月8日(黄金股)大平黄金 <5541><5631>日本钢<5644>金属艺术 <5706>三井黄金<5711>三菱玛 <5727>邦钛金<5759>日本电解 <5816>奥南巴<5830
■涨停价<1801>大成施工<265A>Hmcomm<269A>Sapeet<3077>ホリイフード服务<3106>クラボウ<3985>テモナ<5025>マーキュリー<6180>GMO广播<6622>dai<6787>メイコー<7518>ネットワン系统<9127>玉井商船<9685>KYCOM控股■跌停价<6026>GMO TECH<7063>Birdman<9
●卖出转债券清单市场 代码 名称 收盘价 SAR东证主板 <1332> 日水 913 965<1835>东铁工32103315<2157>柯施达卡HD11891267<2281>普利玛汉22072349<2461>funko413424<2607>不二制油G31453311<2676>高千穗交39754180<3002>群瑟506
※以上日历仅供参考,可能会根据公司需求进行变更。---------------------------------------11月7日(星期四)<1375>雪国香菇 <1382>HoB<1439>安江工务店 <147A>SolaCom<1515>日铁矿 <1719>安藤哈扎玛<1720>东急施工 <1738>Nittoh<1788
[Fisco Featured Stock] [Material Stock] Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha <9107> 2144 yen (11/5) The performance forecast for the fiscal year ending March 25 has been revised upward. Operating profit is expected to be 106 billion yen (an increase of 26.0% compared to the previous year). It has been raised by about 3% from the previous forecast. The upward revision was mainly due to the improvement in the full-year performance forecast of the product logistics segment. The year-end dividend is 50.0 yen. The previous forecast was 42.5 yen. At the same time, the company plans to repurchase up to 36 million shares of treasury stock, equivalent to 5.34% of the issued shares on the TSE on the 6th.