Aowei Holdings Limited (formerly known as Hengshi Mining Investment Co., Ltd.) (the “Company” or the “Company”) was initially incorporated in the British Virgin Islands on January 14, 2011 in accordance with British Virgin Islands law, and moved from the British Virgin Islands to the Cayman Islands on May 23, 2013. The Company was listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Limited (“Hong Kong Stock Exchange”) on November 28, 2013 (stock code: 1370). On November 28, 2017, the company changed its name from Hengshi Mining Investment Co., Ltd. to Aowei Holdings Co., Ltd. The Company and its subsidiaries (“the Group” or “us” or “our”) are mainly engaged in (i) iron ore exploration, mining, beneficiation and sales business in the People's Republic of China (“China”), selling products such as iron ore, rich powder and iron concentrate; and (ii) the production and sale of sand and stone for construction using the green building materials mechanism. The three iron mines owned and operated by the Group are all located in Hebei Province, which has the highest steel production and iron ore consumption in China.