Hang Chi Holdings Limited (the “Company”) is a limited company incorporated in the Cayman Islands. The company's registered office is located at the offices of Conyers Trust Company (Cayman) Limited, and its registered address is Cricket Square, Hut Chins Drive, PO Box2681, Grand Cayman, KY1-1111, Cayman Islands. The directors believe that the holding company of the Company is Ruihua Limited (“Ruihua”), a company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands (“British Virgin Islands”). The Company's ultimate holding company is Wan Chang Investment and Development Co., Ltd., wholly owned by Mr. Yi Dezhi, a company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands on January 8, 2010. During the reporting period, the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the “Group”) were mainly engaged in the operation of residential care homes for the elderly in Hong Kong.
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