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Stocks that moved or were traded in the first half of the session.
*Takasago International Corporation <4914> 6150 -Significantly revised upward the financial estimates and dividend forecasts. *GMO Internet <4784> 1350 +214 The guidance for this period and expectations for increased dividends continue to have an impact. *PeptiDream <4587> 2343.5 +354 The guidance for increased profits this period is viewed positively. *PKSHA Technology <3993> 4720 +700 The first quarter showed significant profit growth and good progress. *Lion Corporation <4912> 1858.
Haseko, Daiwa House, ETC (additional) Rating
Upgraded - Bullish Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous Change After -------------------------------------------------------- <8056> BIPROGY City "3" "2" Downgraded - Bearish Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous Change After -------------------------------------------------------- <3659> Nexon Nomura "Buy" "
February 14 [Today's Investment Strategy]
[Fisco Selected Issues] [Material Stock] PKSHA Technology <3993> 4020 yen (2/13) Developing AI Algorithms and implementing them as a product in society. The first quarter financial results were announced. Operating profit was 1.039 billion yen (an increase of 32.5% compared to the same period last year). Acquisition of solution projects in the AI Research & Solution business and expansion of product sales in the AI SaaS business. Revenue from the new group company also contributed.
Focus on Sony Group Corp and PKSHA, while Takarachō HD and Mitsubishi perhaps may be sluggish.
In the US stock market yesterday, on the 13th, the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose by 342.87 dollars to 44,711.43, the Nasdaq Composite Index increased by 295.69 points to 19,945.64, and the Chicago Nikkei 225 Futures rose by 40 yen from the Osaka daytime comparison to 39,480 yen. The exchange rate is 1 dollar = 152.80-90 yen. In today's Tokyo market, PKSHA <3993> saw a 32.5% increase in operating profit for the first quarter, with operating profit expected to increase by 38.4% from the previous period and 23.3% this period, alongside the announcement of its medium-term management plan by Lion <491.
List of breakout stocks (Part 1) [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo - List of breakout stocks]
○ List of stocks that broke through the cloud Market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Stock Exchange Main Board <1719> Ando Hazama 1306 1181.25 1158 <1801> Taisei Corporation 6805 6586.25 6743 <1802> Obayashi Corporation 2108 2093 1995.5 <1808> Haseko Corporation 2044 2020 1937.5 <1812> Kajima Corporation 2981 2813.25 2731.5 <183
Sony Group Corp, upward revision on March 25 operating profit 1 trillion 335 billion yen ← 1 trillion 310 billion yen.
Sony Group Corp (6758) announced a revision of its Financial Estimates for the fiscal year ending March 2025. Revenue has been revised upwards from 12 trillion 710 billion yen to 13 trillion 200 billion yen, and operating profit from 1 trillion 310 billion yen to 1 trillion 335 billion yen. Entertainment-related segments such as Gaming and music are performing steadily. Additionally, it was announced that a share buyback program with a cap of 50 billion yen has been established, allowing the purchase of up to 30 million shares (0.5% of the total issued shares excluding treasury shares) in the market. 【Positive evaluation】<675