Quest: Notice regarding the formulation of the “Quest Group Human Rights Policy” and the “Basic Business Partner Policy”
Quest: Selected for the first time as an “excellent site” in the “2024 All Listed Companies Homepage Fulfilment Ranking” in the standard market category
Quest: Status of management initiatives that are conscious of capital costs and stock prices, and status of dialogue with shareholders and investors
Quest: Corporate Governance Report
Quest: Quest received the highest 3 stars of “Eruboshi Certification” as an excellent company promoting the advancement of women
Quest: Notice of publication of a transcript of the Earnings Conference for the fiscal year ending 2025/3 (2nd quarter)
Quest: [Overview] Corporate Governance Report
Quest: Announcements of individual stocks regarding the formulation of the medium-term management plan (fiscal year 2024-2026).
Quest: Announcements of individual stocks related to the appointment, assignment, and commission of directors and company executives with assigned executive roles.
Quest: Independent Company Executives Declaration
Quest: Notice regarding organizational changes and personnel changes
Quest: Donations to areas affected by the Reiwa 6 Noto Peninsula Earthquake
Quest: [Summary][Delayed]Corporate Governance Report
Quest: Notice Concerning Changes (Stock Transfer) in Affiliated Companies Applying the Equity Method
Quest: Measures aimed at realizing management that is conscious of capital costs and stock prices
Quest: Quest obtains “Eboshi certification (second level)” based on the Women's Advancement Promotion Law
Quest: Notice Concerning Decisions on Directors' Responsibilities and Appointment of Directors and Partial Review of the Executive Officer System
Quest: First in the information and communication industry to obtain an “SE ☆☆☆” evaluation in the Service Excellence SE (ISO 23592 compliant) maturity assessment
Quest: Articles of Incorporation 2023/03/01
Quest: Notice on organizational change and personnel change