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Stocks with interesting taste seen from the volume change such as Cellseed.
Stock closing prices and changes in Volume * <9212> GEI 45,114,592,400 * <5618> Nile 35,880,599,400 * <8707> Iwai Koss Corp 2,526,302,972,000 * <7776> CellSeed 4,103,692,616,000 * <7198> SBI ALH 87,463,461,800 * <4395> Acrylic 7,451,239,400 * <2408> KG Information 6,071,988,200 * <2047> India Bear 383,545,956 * <4691> Washint.
Individual stock information.
Gendai AG <2411.T> has risen for three consecutive days. For the current fiscal year ending in March, operating profit forecasts were revised upward from the previous 300 million yen to 400 million yen (a 60.6% increase compared to the previous year). The sales of high-margin services and internet advertising are performing well, leading to an increase in gross profit. Japanias <9558.T> rebounded. A medium-term management plan was formulated until November 2027, aiming for a non-consolidated ordinary profit of 1.45 billion yen in the final year (compared to 1.022 billion yen in the previous year).
January 27th [Today's Investment Strategy]
[Fisco Selected Stocks] 【Material Stocks】 Gendai Agency <2411> 366 yen (1/24) engaged in planning and production of advertising and publicity. The financial estimates for the fiscal year ending March 2025 have been revised upwards. Operating profit is estimated at 0.4 billion yen (a 60.6% increase compared to the previous period). This is approximately a 33% increase from the previous estimate. Although print media is declining, mainly internet advertising is performing well, and revenue is expected to remain consistent with previous estimates. Profit is benefiting from the strong sales of high-margin services and internet advertising.
Focus on Obic and Iwai Koss Corp, while Astellas Pharma and Fujicco may be struggling.
In the U.S. stock market on the weekend of the 24th, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell by 140.82 dollars to 44,424.25, the Nasdaq Composite Index dropped by 99.38 points to 19,954.30, and the Chicago Nikkei 225 Futures increased by 540 yen compared to the Osaka daytime to 40,480 yen. The exchange rate is 1 dollar = 155.70-80 yen. In today's Tokyo market, Iwai Kōsmo <8707> announced in their earnings report that the operating profit for the cumulative third quarter is expected to increase by 30.4%, while the operating profit for the cumulative third quarter is forecasted to increase by 9.5 with the year-end dividends projected at 3.
Astellas Pharma revised its operating profit downward for March 25 to 11 billion yen, down from 80 billion yen.
Astellas Pharma <4503> announced a revision of its financial estimates for the fiscal year ending March 2025. The operating profit has been revised downward from 80 billion yen to 11 billion yen. The net profit has been adjusted down from 50 billion yen to 14 billion yen. Due to the withdrawal of the marketing approval application for the treatment drug "Aizavei" for age-related macular degeneration, which poses a risk of blindness, a review of future plans has been conducted, leading to the recognition of an impairment loss of approximately 116 billion yen for related intangible assets as other expenses. [Positive Evaluation] <6866> HIOKI Electric.
KG Intelligence To Go Ex-Dividend On June 19th, 2025 With 18 JPY Dividend Per Share
January 25th (Japan Standard Time) - $KG Intelligence(2408.JP)$ is trading ex-dividend on June 19th, 2025.Shareholders of record on June 20th, 2025 will receive 18 JPY dividend per share. The ex-