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MAXIS HuaAn China Equity (SSE 180) ETF: Securities report (domestic Funds beneficiary securities) - 11th period (2024/06/09 - 2024/12/08)
MAXIS HuaAn China Equity (SSE 180) ETF: MAXIS HuaAn China Stock (Shanghai 180A Shares) Listed Investment Trust Financial Results Report (2024/12)
Volume change rate ranking (9:00) - Kasumigaseki Ke, Maico etc. are ranked.
In the volume change rate ranking, you can understand the interest of market participants such as trends in speculation by comparing the average volume of the past 5 days with the volume on the day of distribution. Top volume change rate [As of 9:32 on October 18] (Comparison with average volume of the past 5 days) Stock Code Stock Name Volume 5-day average volume Volume change rate Stock price change rate <2530> MXS A180 4505 107185.08 352.8% -0.0521
Value HR and other [buy demand for next week]
[Buy demand for next week (table)] Code; Brand; Stock price impact; Buy demand; Credit multiple; Closing price; Day-to-day comparison <1399>; Listed volatility; 20357%; 14250; 0.02; 2220.5; -13.5 <2530>; MXSA180; 1690%; 169; 4.57; 31040; -7000 <6078>; Value HR; 731%; 242700; 0.09; 1741; -6 <3747>; Intertrade; 688%; 29600; 20.46; 3
Stocks hitting the upper or lower price limit in the afternoon session.
■Limit up <143A> Ishin <168A> Itami Art <2156> Sailor Advertisement <2376> Sinex <2530> MAXIS HuaAn China Connect Stock (Shanghai 180A Stock) Listed Investment Trust <2553> One ETF Southern China A Stock CSI500 <5616> Rain Wind Sun <6195> Hope <9241> Future Link Network ■Limit down <3692> FFR Security <6899> ASTI※Temporary limit up/down (indicative price)
MAXIS HuaAn China Equity (SSE 180) ETF: Securities Report (Domestic Investment Trust Beneficiary Securities) - 10th Term (2023/12/09 - 2024/06/08)