Accelia: Summary of Interim Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ending March 2025 [Japanese GAAP] (unconsolidated)
Insider holds 23.03% of shares in Accelia(271A.JP)
On Nov 11, 牧野 顕道 submitted the Large Shareholding Report to Ministry of Finance to disclose its 23.03% ownership of the shares in $Accelia(271A.JP)$. Source: Edinet AnnouncementWhat is the 5%
Insider holds 11.97% of shares in Accelia(271A.JP)
On Nov 11, シャヌワール株式会社 submitted the Large Shareholding Report to Ministry of Finance to disclose its 11.97% ownership of the shares in $Accelia(271A.JP)$. Source: Edinet AnnouncementWhat is the 5%
Insider holds 5.88% of shares in Accelia(271A.JP)
On Nov 8, 門林 雄基 submitted the Large Shareholding Report to Ministry of Finance to disclose its 5.88% ownership of the shares in $Accelia(271A.JP)$. Source: Edinet AnnouncementWhat is the 5%
Insider holds 5.52% of shares in Accelia(271A.JP)
On Nov 5, 辻本 久和 submitted the Large Shareholding Report to Ministry of Finance to disclose its 5.52% ownership of the shares in $Accelia(271A.JP)$. Source: Edinet AnnouncementWhat is the 5%
Insider holds 6.98% of shares in Accelia(271A.JP)
On Nov 5, 日本アジア投資株式会社 submitted the Large Shareholding Report to Ministry of Finance to disclose its 6.98% ownership of the shares in $Accelia(271A.JP)$. Source: Edinet AnnouncementWhat is the 5%