Tianyuan Diko (300047): Promoting Localization of Xinchuang Systems, Focusing on the Path of ICT Terminal Agents
Tianyuan Deco (300047): Multiple benefits from computing power+low space+AI+data elements, revenue returns to double digits
Tianyuan Disco (300047): Steady Revenue Growth Empowers Industrial Digital Transformation
Tianyuan Disco (300047): Steady revenue growth and the pandemic drags down performance
Tianyuan Deco (300047): the performance is in line with the expected operating improvement and significant financial revenue exceeds that of the telecom sector.
Tianyuan Disco (300047): Commercialization highlights profitability
Tianyuan Deco (300047): steady revenue growth is expected to benefit from IT cloud acceleration
Tianyuan Dike (300047) quarterly report comments: performance in line with expectations of telecommunications + finance + steady progress of government and enterprise
Tianyuan Deco (300047): the performance is basically in line with the expectations of 5G and IT cloud two-wheel drive
Tianyuan Deco (300047): the performance meets the expectation and becomes the supplier of Aliyun China Taiwan.
Tianyuan Deco (300047): steady income growth, R & D investment, saving internal force.
Tianyuan Deco (300047): the performance is in line with the expected 5G+IT cloud and establishes the company's long-term growth.
Tianyuan Dico (300047): A cross-industry cloud solution provider that focuses on the entire industrial Internet
天源迪科(300047):业绩符合预期 5G+云计算打开未来空间
Tianyuan Deco (300047) semi-annual report comments: the continuous landing of the three major business sectors has laid a solid foundation for annual and future growth.
天源迪科(300047):优质企业持续稳定增长 公共安全领域值得期待
天源迪科(300047):业绩符合预期 加大5G研发
天源迪科(300047):业绩略超预期 IT云化促成长
天源迪科(300047):H1增速稳健 持续多点发力
天源迪科(300047)季报点评:电信+公安+金融推动业绩高增长 5G带来长期新机遇
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