Tang De Film and Television (300426) Annual Report Review: High Revenue Growth Rate for High Quality Dramas and Abundant Reserves for Quality Projects in 18 Years
Tangde Film and Television (300426): the volume and price of boutique content rises together to break the shackles of the season and continue to grow at a high speed.
Tangde Film and Television (300426): excluding the influence of good sound on the film and television business has a year-on-year high growth of 1.5 S-level works to be expected.
Tang De Film & Television (300426) Company Express: The main business performance grew rapidly in 2017, and outstanding production capacity and system helped continue to launch quality series
Tangde Film and Television (300426): the strength of quality content continues to verify that 2017 performance growth is in line with expectations.
Tangde Film and Television (300426): the market leader of low valuation-the leader of boutique drama production.
Tangde Film and Television (300426): the change of investment project leads to the termination of the company's fundamentals.
Tangde Film and Television (300426): deep ploughing high-quality film and TV dramas continue to output high-quality content
Tangde Film and Television (300426): the strength of high-quality content once again verifies the 2017 performance forecast for high year-on-year growth.
Tangde Film and Television (300426): the performance of the main business increased significantly in 2017, excellent production capacity and system contributed to sustained and rapid growth.
唐德影视(300426):专业团队强化制作发行能力 流水线体系持续输出精品
唐德影视(300426):实际控制人持续增持彰显信心 价值投资机会显著
唐德影视(300426):公司高管完成增持计划 彰显对公司未来发展信心
唐德影视(300426)公司快报:大剧《赢天下》顺利过审 实际控制人继续增持彰显信心
唐德影视(300426):公司高管执行增持计划 彰显对公司未来发展信心
唐德影视(300426):公司大剧落地 全年业绩高增长性得到验证
唐德影视(300426):《赢天下》电视版权完成售卖 现象级内容价值再显
唐德影视(300426)三季报点评:大剧收入确认拉升业绩 全年有望实现高增长
唐德影视(300426)三季报点评:三季报开始进入大剧确认期 期待《赢天下》四季度确认
唐德影视(300426)三季报点评:头部内容贡献业绩 发债定增有望提高资金流动性