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Oisix La Diten Group: Significantly increased sales and profits due to consolidation with Siddix Group, with profitability improvement in existing businesses as well.
Oisix La Doutor <3182>, which is based on the philosophy of providing a service that allows more people to enjoy a good eating lifestyle, has been mainly engaged in the BtoC subscription business of environmentally friendly, low environmental impact high value-added food (fruits and vegetables, processed foods, meal kits) based on its unique cultivation and production standards, as well as delivering daily necessities, sundries, etc. In January 2024, the business segments were changed due to the consolidation of Shidax. New segments include BtoB subscription, social services, and vehicle operations.
Stocks that moved the previous day part1 HM COM, Milbon, Gifty, etc.
Stock name <code> Closing price on the 18th ⇒ Change from the previous day Gradd Cube <9561> 1025 +47 Started providing "Vertical AI" which automatically creates native vertical videos from horizontal videos. CellSys <3663> 1361 +58 Announced a share buyback with a limit of 1.92% of the issued shares. KLASS <6233> 476 +42 Operating profit decreased by 63.3% from the previous period, but financial estimates show it will increase by 2.6 times this period. HMCom <265A> 1370 +300
List of Conversion Stocks (Part 1) [List of Parabolic Signal Conversion Stocks]
○ List of stocks converting to buy market Code Company Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <1721> Comsys HD 3259 3110 <2767> Tsuburaya Productions Holdings 20631839 <3151> Vital KSK 11811121 <3182> Oisix 14921207 <3569> Seiren 27352436 <3937> Ubicom 13191203 <4301> Amuse 1371131
List of cloud breakout stocks (Part 1) [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Cloud Breakout Stock List]
○ List of stocks that have broken through the cloud in the market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo main board <1605> INPEX 2041 2038.5 2019.5 <1888> Wakabuki Construction 3510 3506.25 3391 <1963> JGC HD 1308 1267.75 1166 <2270> Snow Brand Milk Products 2779 2697.25 2676.5 <2462> Like 145
Seed cell etc. [Attractive stocks seen from volume changes]
Stock closing prices, day-on-day changes, and trading volume are as follows: <9557> AirClo 40041870000 <2483> Translation Center 1917051100 <3182> Oisix 14922852801200 <7356> Retty 1510116000 <7354> DmMX 26124941600 <4377> One Career 4630630134700 <9467> AlphaPolis 2389328203300 <3359> Cotta 38540143
Oisix, Gifty, Dentsu Group.
<6273> SMC 66780, showing some resistance with a +780 drop. The company announced its second quarter earnings the previous day, with an operating profit for July-September of 47.1 billion yen, a 3.8% decrease from the same period last year. The full-year financial estimates have been revised downward from the previous 234 billion yen to 214 billion yen, a 9.1% increase from the previous year. The main reason for the downward revision is the lower-than-expected sales volume. However, concerns about the decline in performance have intensified, leading to a sense of bottoming out of immediate negative factors. Orders are showing a trend towards recovery since hitting a bottom in August.