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Volume change rate ranking (9 AM) - AndDoHLD, Ondec, ETC have ranked.
In the Volume change rate ranking, by comparing the average Volume over the last five days with the Volume on the day of distribution, one can understand the tendencies of market participants' interests, etc. ■ Volume change rate leaders [As of December 19, 9:32] (Comparison of the latest average Volume) Stock code Stock name Volume Average Volume over 5 days Volume change rate Stock price change rate <7360> Ondeck 75100107185.08362.68% 0.2232% <5884> Kurada
Stocks that moved the day before part2 include Platto Home, HENNGE, Japan Information C, etc.
Stock name <code>11th closing price⇒Compared to the previous day Anicom HD<8715> 638 -447-9 Decreased growth rate in the September period, negative view. IBJ<6071> 639 -46 The third quarter financial results lack surprises. Kanto Denka Kogyo<4047> 910 -95 Full-year ordinary income forecast downward revision. Kozaido HD<7868> 501 -447-9 Although good earnings continue in the September period, there is a prevailing sense of exhaustion. Ryosan Hisho<167A> 2353 -193 Full-year ordinary profit forecast is lower.
Active and newly listed stocks during the morning session.
*I-PEX<6640> 2399 - Following the implementation of the MBO, the TOB price is adjusted to 2950 yen. *Kosaka Smell Industry<4914> 6080 +1000 announced an increase in dividends with an upward revision in full-year performance. *I・P・S<4390> 2777 +387 achieved a significant increase in profit in the first half, landing above the planned target. *StartiaH<3393> 2269 +304 revised upwards the full-year forecast by securing operating profit growth in the first half. *Furukawa Electric<5801> 5431 +700 significantly exceeded the expected profit.
Steady support from high US stocks, etc., [Emerging markets individual stock strategy]
[Emerging Markets Individual Stock Strategy] Today, a firm development is expected in the emerging markets. In the U.S. stock market last weekend on the 8th, the Dow Jones Industrial Average rebounded by $259.65 (+0.59%) to $43,988.99. Expectations for President Trump's priority on growth policies becoming certain, surpassing estimates of the Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index, and the decline in long-term interest rates supported stock prices. It seems that buying will dominate in today's emerging markets. The major three indices in the U.S. stock market last weekend were
Neural Group: Presentation of financial results for the 3rd quarter of the fiscal year ending 2024/12
Neural Group: Summary of Financial Results for the 3rd Quarter Ending 2024/12 [Japanese GAAP] (Consolidated)