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Volume change rate ranking (9 AM) - AndDoHLD, Ondec, ETC have ranked.
In the Volume change rate ranking, by comparing the average Volume over the last five days with the Volume on the day of distribution, one can understand the tendencies of market participants' interests, etc. ■ Volume change rate leaders [As of December 19, 9:32] (Comparison of the latest average Volume) Stock code Stock name Volume Average Volume over 5 days Volume change rate Stock price change rate <7360> Ondeck 75100107185.08362.68% 0.2232% <5884> Kurada
Inter-trade etc [Stocks with notable appeal viewed from volume change]
Closing prices and volume compared to the previous day *<6190> PXB 3646447100 *<5616> Rain, Wind, Sun 84912672300 *<3747> Intertrade 441694784100 *<4406> Shin Nihon Rika 212221919600 *<7162> Astomax 2595499600 *<4772> Stream M 131142906000 *<7578> Nichiryouku 1508124900 *<4331> T & G Needs 87479221600 *<41
J Front's operating profit in the second quarter increased by 100.0% to 39.3 billion yen.
J Front <3086> announced that the financial results for the second quarter of the fiscal year ending February 2025 showed a 9.3% increase in net sales revenue to 209.3 billion 68 million yen compared to the same period last year, with operating profit doubling to 39.3 billion 64 million yen. Domestic sales remained robust, and the strong performance of inbound sales contributed to the increase in net sales revenue compared to the same period last year. Operating profit increased from the previous year, and interim profit attributable to the parent company's owner also increased from the previous year, achieving record profits at each profit stage.
Tenda: Summary of Financial Results for the 1st Quarter Ending May 2025 [Japanese GAAP] (Consolidated)
Tenda: Amended temporary report
Stocks that moved the previous day part2: Bike-o, Temona, Metaplanett etc.
Stock name <Code> 7-day closing price ⇒ Previous day comparison Kusuri no Aoki<3549> 3472 -15.0 Good results and announcement of share buyback led to a significant rebound at the end of last week. Meiji HD<2269> 3628 -48 No funds headed towards defensive, also a reaction to last weekend's rise. Askul<2678> 2011 -41 Citigroup Securities downgraded the investment rating by 2 notches. Kasumigaseki Capital<3498> 17720 -930 Profit-taking sales dominant due to rise in US long-term interest rates. 7&iHD<3382
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